Have you ever found a money somewhere in your house, in your clothes? Today we are going to talk about a person who became a new millionaire after a big surprise.

For the full text go to: https://readbrazilianportuguese.com/news-in-easy-portuguese-dinheiro-esquecido/

For more content, pick this starter kit for Brazilian Portuguese: https://social.portuguesewitheli.com/starter-kit

The news is here: https://valorinveste.globo.com/produtos/servicos-financeiros/noticia/2022/03/06/valores-a-receber-bcb-gov-br-dinheiro-esquecido-em-bancos-comeca-a-ser-liberado-veja-como-sacar.ghtml

In today's episode, you heard Rolling at 5, played by Kevin Macleod. If you want to find more music and content about this amazing artist, go to his official page here: https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/