Read Brazilian Portuguese Every Day artwork

Read Brazilian Portuguese Every Day

158 episodes - English - Latest episode: 28 days ago - ★★★★★ - 10 ratings

"Where can I find proper listening practice when starting to learn Portuguese?" That's what many of our students ask. So it has motivated us to create a podcast for you to study Portuguese every single day without feeling bored or overwhelmed. It is brought to you by and

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RBP 139: News in Easy Portuguese - The Bus Deserves Respect

June 05, 2024 22:44 - 3 minutes - 184 Bytes

If you would like to support this podcast, consider making a donation at ⁠⁠ or leaving a review in your podcast player! For the glossary, go to: Complete transcript Em 2014, uma foto da famosa atriz brasileira Lucélia Santos andando de ônibus se espalhou pela internet. Muitas pessoas viram essa imagem e fizeram comentários irônicos, como se andar de ônibus fosse um sinal de decadência. Por que iss...

RBP 138: Vocabulary Builder - Meios de Transporte

June 03, 2024 14:14 - 3 minutes - 206 Bytes

If you would like to support this podcast, consider making a donation at or leaving a review in your podcast player! Complete transcript AND glossary Na cidade, existem muitos meios de transporte. Uma das mais comuns é o carro. Muitas pessoas dirigem carros para ir ao trabalho ou fazer compras. Dirigir pode ser divertido, mas também é importante respeitar as leis de trânsito para evitar acidentes. Outro meio de transporte popular é o ônibus. O ônibus é gr...

RBP 137: Short Friday - Você tem Pet?

May 31, 2024 10:39 - 3 minutes - 238 Bytes

For the transcript and glossary, go here: If you’d like to support this podcast, consider making a small donation: Or leaving us a review in the platform you listen to our episodes 😊 Dialogue — João, seu cachorro é muito bonito! Qual é o nome dele? — Obrigado! Ele se chama Rex. E esse gato, é seu? — Ela é a Luna. Olha como ela gosta de ficar no sol! — Você traz seu gato para passear? — De...

RBP 136: News in Easy Portuguese - Brasileiros gastam em pets

May 29, 2024 12:33 - 3 minutes - 207 Bytes

To support this podcast, consider making a small donation at And here is the main text for today. For the glossary, go to:  Os brasileiros que possuem animais de estimação gastam, em média, R$ 200 por mês para cuidar deles. Será que esse valor surpreende você? De acordo com uma pesquisa da fintech Koin, mais da metade dos "pais de pet" gasta mais de R$ 200 com seus bichos. Você pode estar ...

RBP 135: Vocabulary Builder - Pets

May 27, 2024 12:30 - 3 minutes - 227 Bytes

To support this podcast, consider making a small donation at And here is the main text for today. For the glossary, go to:  Criar um animal de estimação é uma tarefa que traz muita alegria e responsabilidade. Entre os animais mais comuns encontramos cachorros, gatos e pássaros. Cada um desses animais tem suas próprias necessidades e maneiras de ser cuidado. Os cachorros são conhecidos p...

RBP 134: Que Tal um Cineminha? (Short Friday)

May 24, 2024 12:15 - 3 minutes - 225 Bytes

To support this podcast, consider making a small donation at And here is the main text for today. For the glossary, go to:  — Júlia, que tal irmos ao cinema hoje à noite? Tem um filme novo de comédia. — Boa ideia, João! Estou precisando relaxar um pouco. A semana foi cheia. — Ótimo! O filme começa às oito. Podemos jantar lá perto antes da sessão. — Tem algum restaurante bom por lá? — Tem sim, ...

RBP 133: News in Easy Portuguese - A importância do lazer

May 15, 2024 11:02 - 3 minutes - 187 Bytes

To support this podcast, consider making a small donation at And here is the main text for today. For the glossary, go to: Você sabia que a cultura é vista como a maior fonte de bem-estar pelos brasileiros? Isso mesmo! Uma pesquisa realizada pela Fundação Itaú em parceria com o Datafolha revelou que as atividades culturais estão no topo da lista quando se trata de promover o be...

RBP 132: Vocabulary Builder - Lazer

May 13, 2024 10:42 - 3 minutes - 228 Bytes

For classes and more information, please visit:  For the glossary and notes: And here is the text for your benefit: No Brasil, as pessoas valorizam muito os momentos de lazer, seja para relaxar ou se divertir. As atividades mais comuns incluem ir ao cinema, ouvir música e passear em parques. O cinema é uma paixão nacional. Nos finais de semana, muitas famílias vão ao cinema para ver ...

RBP 131: Apartamento Novo

May 10, 2024 10:22 - 3 minutes - 228 Bytes

For classes and more information, please visit:  For glossary and extra notes, go to:  And here is the dialogue for your benefit: — Gente, finalmente vou me mudar para meu novo apartamento! — Que legal! Já está todo decorado? — Quase lá. Falta escolher a mobília da sala e montar o quarto de visitas. — Nossa, e como vai decorar a sala? — Estou pensando em algo moderno, talvez um sofá retrá...

RBP 130: Moradia

May 08, 2024 23:05 - 3 minutes - 192 Bytes

For classes and more information, please visit:  For the full text with glossary, please go to: And here is the main text for you :-) Quando chegamos a uma nova cidade, o primeiro passo é encontrar um lugar para morar. Algumas pessoas preferem morar em casas, enquanto outras escolhem apartamentos. A casa geralmente tem um quintal e mais espaço, mas um apartamento pode ser mais segur...

Episode 003: Police Matters

August 17, 2023 19:49 - 14 minutes - 865 Bytes

If you’d like to see more articles and, perhaps, join our Beta Program, please go here: Prestar queixa, fazer uma denúncia e chamar a polícia são atos responsáveis que podem ajudar a proteger a comunidade. No Brasil, esses procedimentos são simples e podem ser feitos por qualquer pessoa. Espero que você não precise, mas é sempre bom estar preparado. Primeiro, se você é testemunha de um crime ou é vítima dele, deve procurar a polícia. Se você é a vítima, o q...

Episode 002: Family Relations

August 13, 2023 11:47 - 12 minutes - 764 Bytes

Please access the article here: As relações familiares são uma parte fundamental da vida de muita gente. Elas são como uma rede complicada, cheia de conexões e interações que moldam quem somos. Vamos explorar essas relações, observando como elas podem ser diversas, complexas e, acima de tudo, essenciais. Pais e Filhos A relação entre pais e filhos é muitas vezes a primeira e mais influente em nossas vi...

Episode 001: Medical Appointments

August 09, 2023 23:46 - 18 minutes - 1.05 KB

You can read the main text we work in this episode on the link below: Uma consulta médica é uma oportunidade para você discutir sua saúde com um profissional. É um momento para fazer perguntas, entender melhor seu corpo e tomar decisões informadas sobre seu bem-estar. Aqui está o que você pode esperar e o que perguntar durante uma consulta médica. Ao chegar para a consulta,...

Quick Announcement - New Podcast Format

August 09, 2023 23:41 - 7 minutes - 6.89 MB

All texts will be found now at:

RBP 129: Chica da Silva

June 01, 2023 10:32 - 7 minutes - 466 Bytes

If you'd like to check the glossary, go to: Você já ouviu falar de Chica da Silva? Não? Pois deveria. Chica da Silva foi uma figura bastante notória no Brasil no século XVIII. Ela nasceu em uma família de escravos em Diamantina, Minas Gerais. Chica da Silva se tornou uma das mulheres mais influentes de sua época, desafiando as normas sociais da época. Chica da Silva era muito bonita, e isso chamou a atenção de João Fernandes de Oliveira, ...

We're back!

June 01, 2023 10:27 - 2 minutes - 2.76 MB

For more info, go to

RBP 128: Vocabulary Builder - Internet

April 19, 2022 03:06 - 7 minutes - 476 Bytes

Today we will learn some new vocabulary about the internet. All english words are pronunced as they are in Brazilian Portuguese. Enjoy it! For the full text: And For more content, pick this starter kit for Brazilian Portuguese:

RBP 127: ShortFriday - Na Loteria

April 16, 2022 00:31 - 3 minutes - 204 Bytes

What would you do if you had one million in Brazilian Currency?  For the full text: For more content, pick this starter kit for Brazilian Portuguese: In today's episode, you heard Amazing Plan, played by Kevin Macleod. If you want to find more music and content about this amazing artist, go to his official page here:

RBP 126: News in Easy Portuguese - Dinheiro Esquecido

April 14, 2022 00:37 - 5 minutes - 353 Bytes

Have you ever found a money somewhere in your house, in your clothes? Today we are going to talk about a person who became a new millionaire after a big surprise. For the full text go to: For more content, pick this starter kit for Brazilian Portuguese: The news is here:

RBP 125: VocabularyBuilder - Riqueza

April 12, 2022 01:19 - 9 minutes - 589 Bytes

Today we are going to talk about those rich people and their mountains of money. Learn how to speak about richness in Brazilian Portuguese. For the full text go to: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link:

RBP 124: ShortFriday - Mãos ao Alto

April 09, 2022 01:39 - 4 minutes - 289 Bytes

A bad thief can make some mistakes. The last one send him to jail... For the full text go to: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link: In today's episode, you heard Investigations, played by Kevin Macleod. If you want to find more music and content about this amazing artist, go to his official page here: 

RBP 123: News in Easy Portuguese - O Crime Imperfeito

April 07, 2022 00:16 - 7 minutes - 460 Bytes

In today's podcast, we are talking about an imperfect crime, that was so dumb we hardly believe someone could be deceived. The full news is here: For the full text go And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link:

RBP 122: Vocabulary Builder - Crime

April 05, 2022 00:50 - 8 minutes - 527 Bytes

A quite unpleasant theme to talk about, but sometimes, the worse happens. Welcome to today's episode where we are going to talk about crimes. Learn how to speak about this theme and improve your vocabulary in Brazilian Portuguese, everything is made for beginner students. Enjoy it! The full transcript is in here: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link:

RBP 121: Short-Friday - Ruim Mesmo

April 02, 2022 00:03 - 5 minutes - 310 Bytes

Today's ShortFriday we are talking about being bad at math with a short story of a man who doesn't know how to do the math. For the starter kit, go to: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link:

RBP 120: Uma História de Matemática

March 30, 2022 23:24 - 6 minutes - 413 Bytes

Today we are talking about a book about math. However, this is not a usual book used in schools to teach math. Meet Malba Tahan and his book: O Homem que Calculava. We also have a little puzzle in the end of today's episode to train your math... but in Brazilian Portuguese. You can buy the book here For the full text: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link:

RBP 119: Vocabulary Builder - Fazendo as Contas

March 28, 2022 23:21 - 8 minutes - 514 Bytes

Learn how to speak about the four operations in Brazilian Portuguese. This is an easy beginning on how to talk about math in Portuguese.

RBP 118: Vocabulary Builder - Roupas

March 08, 2022 00:57 - 7 minutes - 475 Bytes

Hey! It was Carnaval and I spend some time away, but I'm here again with a new vocabulary builder theme. Do you know how to talk about what you are wearing in Brazilian Portuguese? We talked about a lot of stuff but I missed to talk about our own clothes. Today's episode we return to one more episode of Vocabulary Builder in Brazilian Portuguese talking about words related to clothes. I hope you enjoy it. For the full text, go to:

RBP 117: ShortFriday - Faça um Pedido!

February 26, 2022 02:11 - 4 minutes - 283 Bytes

A shooting star is falling from the skies! Do you make a wish or will you start a conversation about this phenomenon? For the full text, go to: For our free starter kit, access this link: And in today's episode you listened to Investigations played by Kevin Macleod. This music is under Creative Commons Attribution License. You can find this music and others on the artist website here:

RBP 116: News in Easy Portuguese - Garota Estrela

February 24, 2022 02:54 - 8 minutes - 521 Bytes

Today's news are about a girl who is really a star fan! She could be the youngest girl to discover asteroids. The complete article can be accessed by this link: The episode transcript is here: For our free starter kit, access this link: https://social.portuguesewi...

RBP 116: Vocabulary Builder - Garota Estrela

February 24, 2022 02:54 - 8 minutes - 8.05 MB

Today's news are about a girl who is really a star fan! She could be the youngest girl to discover asteroids. The complete article can be accessed by this link: The episode transcript is here: For our free starter kit, access this link: https://social.portuguesewi...

RBP 115: Vocabulary Builder - Astronomia

February 22, 2022 01:33 - 8 minutes - 507 Bytes

Do you know how to talk about astronomy in Brazilian Portuguese? It's a very fun subject to talk about. Learning this vocabulary in Brazilian Portuguese will make you even more interesting. In today's episode we selected many words that can be really helpful to Brazilian Portuguese Beginners Students who want to talk about Astronomy. The full text is in here:  And for more advanced content, in case you find today's podcast too easy for you, access: For our free start...

RBP 114: ShortFriday - Boas Vindas!

February 19, 2022 01:24 - 6 minutes - 387 Bytes

Today's ShortFriday we are going to talk about a father who organized a party to his son who is coming from England. But, grandma didn't like the decorations. For the full text transcript go to: For more advanced content, you can access this link: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link: And in today's epis...

RBP 113: News in Easy Portuguese - Briga de Vizinhos

February 17, 2022 00:14 - 7 minutes - 453 Bytes

Have you ever heard a neighbor saying that your house was too ugly or too poor that it should not even be in the same street as his house? Eurides heard her neighbor saying such a thing and got really mad. But, instead of saying bad things to her neighbor, she did a complete transformation in her house. To see the original article, go to: For the full text ...

RBP 112: VocabularyBuilder - Decoração

February 15, 2022 02:59 - 7 minutes - 436 Bytes

Do you know how to talk about decoration in Brazilian Portuguese? It's a very commonly used vocabulary in Brazilian Portuguese. In today's episode we selected many words that can be really helpful to Brazilian Portuguese Beginners Students. The full text is in here: And for more advanced content, in case you find today's podcast too easy for you, access:

RBP 111: Vocabulary Builder - A Feira

February 08, 2022 03:18 - 8 minutes - 526 Bytes

Do you know how to talk about a fair? It's a very commonly used vocabulary in Portuguese that can be also used to express actions in the market or in a shopping center. In today's episode we selected many words that can be really helpful to Brazilian Portuguese Beginners Students. The full text is in here: And for more advanced content, in case you find today's podcast too easy for you, access:

RBP 110: ShortFriday - Desafinado

February 05, 2022 02:45 - 3 minutes - 239 Bytes

Today we have a short podcast about a new choir integrant that was in an interview, but he was not that good... For the full (short) text and glossary access: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link: For intermediate Portuguese students looking for more advanced content, we recommend you this podcast:

RBP 109: News in Easy Portuguese - Show no Metro

February 03, 2022 03:06 - 4 minutes - 262 Bytes

Today we is about old news... well Brazilian Music is not that popular in Pandemic Days, so we are talking about an unnusal place to a music show. It's a very famous Brazilian singer that made a huge success in a subway station. If you want to check the full news go to: For the full transcript, you can go to:

RBP 108 - Vocabulary Builder - Música

February 01, 2022 02:10 - 10 minutes - 604 Bytes

Today's vocabulary builder is an episode about music, singers ans instruments. We chose a good deal of common expressions that can be realy handy if you are a person who likes to talk about music and your favorite singers. The full text of today's episode is here: And for more advanced content, in case you find today's podcast too easy for you, access:

RBP 107: ShortFriday - O Ingresso

January 29, 2022 01:43 - 4 minutes - 251 Bytes

Today we have a short podcast about a couple who are talking about a ticket for a movie. Are action movies better than love stories? For the full (short) text and glossary access: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link: For intermediate Portuguese students looking for more advanced content, we recommend you this podcast:

RBP 106: News in Easy Portuguese - Um Desenho Animado

January 27, 2022 02:05 - 5 minutes - 339 Bytes

Today we have a cartoon suggestion. It's a very famous Brazilian cartoon with a boy who has no name. If you want to check this cartoon go to: For the full transcript, you can go to: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link:

RBP 105: Vocabulary Builder - Filmes

January 25, 2022 01:54 - 11 minutes - 705 Bytes

This vocabulary builder is a long episode about how to express and learn new words about movies and watching movies. We chose a good deal of common expressions that can be realy handy if you are a person who loves movies and going to the theater. The full episode transcript can be found at:

RBP 104: ShortFriday - Uma Piada

January 22, 2022 02:09 - 5 minutes - 315 Bytes

Today we have a short podcast about a girl who seeks a carrot ice-cream. Can you imagine how it ends? For the full (short) text and glossary access: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link: For intermediate Portuguese students looking for more advanced content, we recommend you this podcast: And in today's ep...

RBP 103: News in Easy Portuguese - O Menino do Chapéu

January 21, 2022 01:49 - 5 minutes - 315 Bytes

Today's News in Easy Portuguese we are talking about a boy who decided to help stray dogs with a little wash.  The integral text of the news is in here: For today's episode text, go to: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link:

RBP 102: Vocabulary Builder - Exercise 16 - Criança

January 20, 2022 00:05 - 9 minutes - 555 Bytes

Hey, sorry for being absent. I was a little sick those days, and Today I decided to bring the monday's episode to Wednesday... and today's Vocabulary Builder is all about children. I hope you enjoy it. For today's episode text, go to: And if you want to grab our "Portuguese Learner Starter Kit" here is the link: For more advanced content go to:

RBP 101: ShortFriday - Na Recepção

January 15, 2022 01:57 - 3 minutes - 217 Bytes

A man is searching for his wife and find bad news at the Hospital front desk. For today's episode text, go to: For more advanced content go to:

RBP 100: News in Easy Portuguese - O Hospital de Bonecas

January 13, 2022 02:03 - 8 minutes - 491 Bytes

Today we are talking about a Hospital that fix dolls in São Paulo. This is a big Hospital that sometimes confuse people and make they think it is a real hospital.  The link for the integral article is here: For the full text of today's podcast go to: For more advanced content, check th...

RBP 099: Vocabulary Builder - Exercise 15 - Doenças e Hospital

January 11, 2022 02:43 - 9 minutes - 543 Bytes

This vocabulary builder is a short explanation about how to express and learn new words about being sick and going to the hospital. We chose a good deal of common expressions that can be realy handy if you need medical assistance. The full episode transcript can be found at:

RBP 098: ShortFriday - Aniversário de Quem?

January 08, 2022 02:07 - 3 minutes - 222 Bytes

This is a short story of a guy who got confused about a friend's birthday. Find our image of the Brazilian Portuguese Zodiac Signs and the full text in this link: And if you think this is a easy content and you want something more chaleging feel free to try Intermediate Podcast with Portuguese with Eli:

RBP 97: News in Easy Portuguese - Depois...

January 06, 2022 00:09 - 6 minutes - 399 Bytes

Did you plan what would you do in this new year? Well, it's too soon to many Brazilians to start thinking about what to do in this year.. do you want to know why do they plan a little late? Listen to discover The full text is available here:   And if want to go a little farther than you are, try something new and learn even more Brazilian Portuguese, we truly recommend the Intermediate Portuguese by Portuguese with Eli, yo...


January 04, 2022 00:54 - 5 minutes - 312 Bytes

You will learn in this episode how to talk about the months and the seasons. This podcast is made for Brazilian Portuguese Students who want to learn how to speak about the months. The full text is in: And for more advanced content, in case you are an advanced or even an intermediate student go to: