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They say that special education teachers are a “different breed” and maybe they are right, whoever “they” is. The fact is that special education teachers juggle so much every day…every hour in reality, that it is an absolute miracle that any of them make it through a week, let alone a school year. Between planning and teaching highly individualized lessons, preparing all of the materials, providing modifications or accommodations throughout the day, corresponding with other teachers, parents, specialists, and administrators, and planning for, scheduling, and writing IEPs….special education teachers are constantly buried under all the things they have to do…  Something has to give, something is going to get forgotten, unless they can get a little bit of help. 

Today, let’s talk about how a caseload manager can make a huge difference in keeping special education teachers both sane and on top of all of their responsibilities.

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Links Mentioned in the Show: 

5 Steps to Getting Started with Progress Monitoring

Set Up a Caseload Management System