Previous Episode: Revel in Your Pleasure
Next Episode: Awaken Your Inner Power

Today you’re being reminded to relax, unwind, and connect with your inner self.

Make the time to simply be with yourself as you go within and connect with your inner essence, your radiance, and your passions.

You don’t need to do anything in this moment.

Nothing is expected of you, you can just enjoy being fully present and grounded.

You are loved.

You are divinely supported.

Feel your inner strength, your resilience and your confidence grow, as you let go of those things that no longer serve you.

Release any feelings of not being good enough as you connect to all that’s perfectly imperfect about you.

What can you give yourself today that would nourish your body, mind and soul?

How much love can you lavish on yourself?

Allow yourself to receive love and to be supported.

You don’t need to look outside for this, you have everything you need within you.

You just need to reconnect and remember how exquisitely perfect, loveable, and whole that you are.

Reflect on your brilliance, your radiance and your uniqueness.

Restore your belief in yourself as someone really special.

Replenish your body, mind, and soul the way you would care for one of the most incredible people that ever existed, because that is exactly who you are.

Allow yourself to receive all of this and more.

Pause in this moment and allow yourself to bare-witness to your magnificence. Feel it rising inside you. Growing bigger and stronger each day.

What you pay attention to grows, so why not pay more attention to your uniqueness and that what makes your special, rather than the few so-called-mistakes you may make as you grow.

In this very moment, just stop, pause and take a breath, as you begin to relax into your own magnificence.