Previous Episode: Endings and Beginnings
Next Episode: Identifying Your Gifts

Welcome to Episode 1, Season two of the Re-Enchant Your Life podcast.

This season I want us to take a deep dive into trust.

It's something that is the foundation of all of my work. It's what I want people to really know, understand and remember... That they can trust themselves.

We live in a world where for so long we've been taught not to trust ourselves, to give our power away to external sources. Now, of course there's always a time when we need to go to outside sources to seek the guidance, the counsel, the wisdom, the expertise of people who we trust of people who have walked the path and have more, more experience than we do.

But it's about knowing when to go and seek that wisdom as opposed to knowing that we have ultimate responsibility and ultimate trust over ourselves that we get to make those choices.

And one of the things that I often find that I talk about is about how our intuition is about embracing the darkness.

And when I say that, people can often think of darkness as heavy and dense, they think about those places where we don't want to visit because we don't know what's there. But actually it's within the darkness that holds the wisdom....