Previous Episode: Make Clear Choices

Today you’re being reminded that everything ends, and with every ending comes a new beginning.

It’s one of the beautiful things in life.

It’s beautiful because it’s dependable, we can trust it.

And trust is what I want to talk about today.

One of the key themes of my work, it’s the foundation of what I want for every single person, and that’s that they can trust themselves.

It sounds so simple doesn’t it?

Trust yourself.

It rolls off the tongue and I’m sure you can expect to see it on an inspiring cup or a bumper sticker.

But do you actually, really, truly, trust yourself?

Maybe you have moments of trusting yourself, followed by longer moments of doubt.

We can lose trust in ourselves every time we become more concerned about the opinions and reactions of others over our own.

We can lose trust in ourselves when we feel that everyone, or even some other people are more important than ourselves.

We can lose trust in ourselves when we aren’t clear on our own boundaries.

We can lose trust in ourselves when we can no longer feel where we end and other people begin; so pick up other people’s judgements and opinions and confuse ourselves as we believe that these opinions of other’s are ours, even though they don’t feel right to us.

We can lose trust in ourselves every time we disconnect with our inner power and look outside of ourselves for the answers.

The list goes on and on.

I think it’s fair to say that there are many structures set up in our world that profit from us not trusting ourselves.

I may not be able to change the structures, but I can hopefully inspire you to trust yourself again.

And so this is where we move into season two of this podcast.


Changing the format of the podcast is the perfect example of trust. And as a side-note… if you love hearing stories of people seeing dragons, having trees laugh at them and speaking to crows, you’ll want to stay tuned…. And when I say people, obviously I mean me!

But first let me explain how I got here…