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Today’ guest was John Roy, a US Army Vet, husband, father of two girls, self-published author, full-time career man,...and competitive powerlifter. Early mornings John can be found down in the basement, in the iron trenches, forging himself into a better version of his current existence through unwavering consistency and determination. What’s your excuse? Lots of great lifting topics and discussion. Don't miss it! Make sure to check out John Roy's Books on

Check back weekly for world class training articles by Marty Gallagher where he discusses everything from different modes of cardio training to the benefits of fasted cardio. His latest article "Bench Press Assistance Work" is up now. 

And don't forget the Jim Steel strength and conditioning articles combining his head strength coach experience from the University of Pennsylvania for twenty years with decades of successful powerlifting meets and bodybuilding competitions for us all to learn from and enjoy. His latest article "Deadlifts For Life" is up now. 

Thanks for listening and if you like what you hear please give us a review on your favorite podcast player.


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