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Today we spent time with IPF hall of famer, Brad Gillingham. This is a man that has deadlifted 800+ lbs. in competition 102 times. Among many achievements Brad has set 16 IPF Masters World Records and is an IPF Hall of Famer as well as an NSCA Hall of Famer. Listen in and learn about Brad’s interesting background and what it was like having Green Bay’s Super Bowl champion, Gale Gillingham, as a father. We cover some great info on lifting and nutrition strategy too. So grab a chair, put the ointment on and enjoy.

Check out the RAW with Marty Gallagher Powerlifting Articles where Marty discusses everything from resistance training, cardio training, nutrition and brain train. His latest article "Forged Passion - Powerlifter Brad Gillingham" is up now. 

And don't forget the Jim Steel strength and conditioning articles where he harnesses his expertise from being head strength coach at the University of Pennsylvania for twenty years combined with decades of successful powerlifting meets and bodybuilding competitions for us all to learn from and enjoy. 

Thanks for listening and if you like what you hear please give us a review on your favorite podcast player.

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