Erin asked you what you want to know over on IG @RawBeautyTalks and you delivered with some great questions. 

How often do you meditate with kids and a business?

Fave cookbook?

How do I make healthier choices when I'm so busy?

How do I stop overeating?

What vitamins do you take?

What's something you are working on?

What's one thing you slay every day? 

PRESS PLAY and don't forget to share the episode with others you love to spread the message.

Erin asked you what you want to know over on IG @RawBeautyTalks and you delivered with some great questions. 

How often do you meditate with kids and a business?
Fave cookbook?
How do I make healthier choices when I'm so busy?
How do I stop overeating?
What vitamins do you take?
What's something you are working on?
What's one thing you slay every day? 

PRESS PLAY and don't forget to share the episode with others you love to spread the message.