Jade Harrell with Kathleen Dowdey, director of the documentary, “Get in the Way: The Journey of John Lewis” part of SLIFF 2015. Get in the Way is the first biographical film about Lewis, a respected legislator and elder statesman who continues to practice nonviolence in his determined fight for justice. More information on SLIFF at www.cinemastlouis.org and the documentary at http://www.documentary.org/film/get-way-journey-john-lewis


Jade Harrell with Tony Award winning actress, Phylicia Rashad about her passion and efforts when it comes to helping disenfranchised youth in our country. She is joined by David and Andrea, AMIkids alumni who share how their lives were turned around through this successful program.

She has joined with a national non-profit organization to help young people transform their lives before they are lost to a system that has consistently failed them. Through this program called, AMIkids, these young people find an improved education and a strengthened emotional foundation that has helped so many youth get back on a successful path and stay there! There is a program based right there in St. Louis!