Jade Harrell with Kathleen Dowdey, director of the documentary, “Get in the Way: The Journey of John Lewis” part of SLIFF 2015. Get in the Way is the first biographical film about Lewis, a respected legislator and elder statesman who continues to practice nonviolence in his determined fight for justice. More information on SLIFF at www.cinemastlouis.org and the documentary at http://www.documentary.org/film/get-way-journey-john-lewis


Jade Harrell with Kacie Starr-Long, author and radio host with details about The St. Louis Christian Author's Book Fair, Saturday, November 7th from 1pm - 4pm at the Mount Zion Christian Complex at 1444 S. Compton Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63104.

Registration for the informative seminar is now open. www.2015ChristianBookFair.EventBrite.com