Episode # 27 - The awareness of the perceptual distortion is the ability to remind oneself of our true existence as energy and source and not the reality we perceive & produce. 

The distortion is the the story we have been told and thus tell our-selves is true and thus become our beliefs of self.

The foundation of our beliefs are created prior to 12 years old and we carry these unconsciously throughout our adulthood. In order to be voided from distorted perceptions we have to first be aware of them and change the story that no longer suits our authentic character of who we are.

However, it can be a challenge to see these distortions because they have become an identified part of who we are. It becomes all we know.

It's like playing a role in a movie for so long its the only character you can understand or connect with and then you get stuck in a loop of only playing that role because people only seek or call you for that particular role.

If you go outside that role it could be like fighting against the grain (initially) since the other characters and movie is created for that conditioned role. 

As we become aware of perceptual distortions and choose to change - relationships and people around you may get confused and thus upset as you are no longer filling the role you played for them. 

It can also go the other way in relationships that are better suited for your new role can get even easier and more harmonious.

Relationship patterns tend to repeat and remind us about someone or something.

In this episode we will talk about how this perceptual distortion is create and to become aware of it through 3 steps.

1)Recognize heightened triggers (people or situations).

What did that person or situation make you feel? (i.e. angry, upset, irritable, sad). 
So use that emotion to tie it to a belief of self by saying the following...

The feeling of ___(emotion)___ makes me feel that i am ___(belief of self)____.

Make sure the belief if not what "they are doing" but what "I am believing of self because of what they are doing"


So if i am being ignored that may make me feel I am invisible

Being disrespected may make me feel like i am not important

If i am being judged that may make me feel i am not good enough

2) Ask is this the first time I have felt this way? 

3) Who or what does this remind me of

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