In episode 100, iPullRank's Michael Glavac joins the shows to discuss why SEOs should be taking a more specialized approach to their SEO skillset.

Michael gives his thoughts on the importance of being a T-Shaped SEO and the necessary knowledge and expertise you'll need to be a killer Technical SEO.

We also share some opinions on the hardest industries to work in technical SEO and why you should NOT be cutting your SEO budget right now.

(0:00) Intro

(2:07) The Value of T-Shaped SEO

(4:37) The Necessary Skillsets for Technical SEO

(6:29) How to Learn From Building Your Own Stuff

(7:33) How to Take Your Skillset to the Next Level

(9:13) What is Most Important as an SEO?

(12:27) The Morality of Injection

(13:08) What is the Hardest Industry to Work in as a Tech SEO?

(15:51) The Relationship Between SEO and Enterprise Organizations

(17:52) The Unintended Consequences of Replatforming

(19:57) Things Take Time in SEO

(21:36) Slashing Your SEO Budget During A Recession

(23:31) Rapid Fire Rankings

Rank your top anything:



Arches National Park

Rank your best SEO marketing win:

First one was the first time I was able to get a clients key page to out rank their main competitor in the SERPs. Second being from a logistics client where I ran an idea by them about some keywords I had seen popping up in GSC around system integrations and only their main competitor had pages for it so I tested a few to see how they would do and they took off. Started with 4 pages and 6 months of testing but they took off in about 2 months and we turned around another 20 pages within the 6 months.

Rank your top 3 SEO tools:


Google Search Console

Screaming Frog

Rank your best SEO trick or tactic:

I don't have one tip or trick really but I provided advice to small businesses and my main point to most of them is to keep things simple.

Rank what you love most about SEO as an industry:

I love the uniqueness of SEO.

Rank your best SEO learning resource:

When I started in SEO it was mostly from Moz but more recently it's been following industry leaders on Linkedin.

Rank the top 1-3 SEOs or Marketers that you most look up to:

Bill Slawski

Hamlet Bautista

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