In episode 91, Dan Reno of Botify and Zach Chahalis of iPullRank stop by to discuss how JavaScript can prevent Google from rendering all of your content, how that might impact crawling, and how you can use dynamic rendering to ensure you’re not stuck in a delayed rendering queue.

We discuss how Botify’s tools like SpeedWorkers can be used to sniff out and prevent issues before they arise.

Dan & Zach also share some insights on how Google comprehends JS rendering and where that interaction could improve.

(0:00) Intro

(4:04) Has Google’s Comprehension of JavaScript and its Rendering Capabilities Improved?

(6:20) The Major Issues with JavaScript Rendering.

(9:25) Is Render Budget a Thing?

(12:09) Is It in Google’s Best Interest To Create a Metric For Render Budget?

(14:25) SpeedWorkers & Dynamic Rendering Solutions

(21:07) Defining Cloaking

(27:45) Will There Ever Be a Time Where Dynamic Rendering is Not Needed?

(30:35) Final Thoughts on SpeedWorkers & JavaScript Rendering

(32:49) Rapid Fire Rankings 🔥

Rank your top 3 anything:

• Wife

• First son

• Second son

Rank your best SEO marketing win:

Testing interlinking strategies via "GravityStream"

Rank your top 3 SEO tools:




Rank your best SEO trick or tactic:

Interlinking optimization.

Rank what you love most about SEO as an industry:

Cross-disciplinary nature, Site structure (IA), testing (iteration).

Rank your best SEO learning resource:

Google itself (searching)


Glenn Gabe’s LinkedIn posts

Rank the top 1-3 SEOs or Marketers that you most look up to:

Wil Reynolds

Scott Walldren

Gary Vee

Rank your number one cause/charity that you want to promote:

Aspire Chicago — Fantastic local organization actually making an impact in the community.

Twitter Mentions