Previous Episode: How to build confidence Step 1
Next Episode: Body language- 6 tips



Hey guys, I want to talk to you about a very important topic and that is Body Language. 93% of communication is body language and only 7 percent is what you actually say. With that being understood one can see how understanding our body language can be so important. I want to share with you 9 body language habits to avoid.

1. Crossing arms- when you are speaking to someone in public or anywhere for that matter be aware that you do not fold your arms. This implies that you are not approachable or are uncomfortable. Instead be open keep your arms at your side.

2. Fidgeting- fidgeting is a characteristic of a person that is not confortable in the situation. Fidgeting is described as body movement without purpose, this can be when you are talking to people trying not to move. Stand still and be aware of your arms and feet.

3. Looking down- looking down is a beta male characteristic. It is seen as a sign of weakness and lack of confidence. Keep your head up, and expose your neck. This will give you a confident look.

4. Posture- when you sit or stand be aware of your posture. Your posture says a lot about your confidence. Keep your shoulder back, head up and expose you neck.

5. Tense- A confident person is always relaxed. When you go about your day keep that in mind. Relax your arms when you walk, and let your shoulder drop.

6. Walk fast- do not walk fast, this is a characteristic of a beta male. An alpha male or female is not in a rush for anyone. Walk at your own pace and have people match your walking speed not you theirs.

7. Rub yourself- when you rub your self it means you are telling your self its going to be okay. Woman has the hardest time doing this because it is a habit. It means you are not comfortable.

8. Cover genital area- covering up the front of your body period is a sign that you are not comfortable. Don’t cover your genital area when you stand (men), and do not cover your chest or stomach area with a hat or purse it shows weakness.

9. Wimpy/ blaming gestures (shoulder shrug)- palms up and shoulder shrug means you don’t know something and don’t care to find out what it is. Palms up is a sign up submission, alphas do not do this gesture.

If your goals are to have a strong appeal to your self, be aware of you body language. This will give you strength in any situation of your life.