Next Episode: Was i born shy



Hey guys, I want to talk to you about a very important topic and that is Body Language. 93% of communication is body language and only 7 percent is what you actually say. With that being understood one can see how understanding our body language can be so important. I want to share with you 6 body language tips that you can implement into your body language today!

1. Eye contact- Confident people have great eye contact. Eye contact is a major show of confidence. I’m sure you have met people that don’t have very good eye contact and you can sense that they are not confident.

2. Relaxed shoulder- Think of your arms as being spaghetti and they are heavy that a good way to make sure your shoulder are relaxed.

3. Walk slow- as a confident person we are not in a rush. We walk slow and with purpose. Alpha characteristic is a walk confident walk.

4. Lean back- keep you weight on one leg. This means that you are not afraid of balance. You are not stiff you are relaxed and you are assertive of yourself. You are relaxed.

5. Be open- by being open you expose the front of your body, your arms are at your side and your chest is out. You are not afraid; you are open to anything that may come to you. This is a sign of big confidence.

6. Steeple- the steeple is a hand gesture that shows confidence. Use it to show that you are a confident person.

This are the 6 tips that if you begin to implement right now you will show a more confident personality. To recap keep eye contact with whom you speak. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed at all time. Walk at your own pace, preferably slow down you walk but make it more meaningful. Lean back and put most of your weight on one leg to show that you are confortable. Be open, think about as if someone was going to give you a hug keep your chest and belly exposed. When you want to show confidence use your finger and steeple.