As an entrepreneur, everything you do sends a message. The clothing you wear, the language you use in a social media post or video, the words you use in an email, the pricing you choose, and the way you act and speak to a potential client in person — it all sends a message.

So how are you coming across with your messaging? 

You have to ensure that people can sense your confidence in your abilities and that you charge top dollar for your work because you deliver incredible results. There's a certain frequency that buyers are used to experiencing when they choose to invest at high levels of themselves. This is the message you want to send, not the energy of desperation. 

▶️ Shifting Into The Energy Of Certainty

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ Create your WINS List

One of the things you can do in your business is thinking about the last ten clients you served. Make a list of all the things that you helped them accomplish. How did you make their lives even better than before? Sometimes we think our wins have to be our own, that we made $1,000,000 in business, that we closed a $30,000 sale, or that we have 50 clients in a program. But often, it's the results we help others get that we can also hold on to and reinforce that you have skills that are not only highly valuable, but you have skills that are worth millions and that what you do has an impact that you may not even see now.

✔️ Upgrade the way you think

We have 60,000 thoughts a day. Most of those thoughts are programmed to the negative. And so, for us to shift those thoughts and think more wealth-building thoughts, we have to be intentional about it. We must clean up the trash that's automatically happening in our heads. Here's what a broke mindset sounds like: I'm not that good at that. Nobody's ever going to pay me that much for my services. It's unrealistic even to think I can make $1,000,000 this year. These are the thoughts of broke people. Wealthy people know that everything is possible.  

✔️ Upgrade your environment

Everything around you sends a message to you, and it also sends a message to others. So look around: Are you surrounded by things that signal or show desperation, struggle, neglect, or lack? Look in your drawers and see how much underwear you keep with holes in them; please throw them out. Maybe it's a tattered and torn t-shirt, a rusty knob on a door, or clutter and dust everywhere; you want to remove those things from your environment so that you can upgrade the way you're feeling. We want things to signal back to you that you are already winning and become it!


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

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