Proximity is powerful. It is very, very powerful. This is the truth I had proven many times over when I took the courage to make scarily big investments in myself, which has changed the game for me. When I chose to be in the presence of people who were teaching and already doing the things that I desired to do – I found myself achieving them quickly and massively.

What happens with most entrepreneurs? They fear investing at higher levels, yet they want what people in those powerful rooms have. 

Proximity has always been a direct line to profitability. It's time you take this as a truth for you. 

▶️ The Power of Proximity

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ When you are surrounded by powerful people, your own power increases. 

There's a certain energy in how giants talk, act, make decisions, invest, and do incredible things. When you experience that for yourself, it shows you what's possible and stretches you. 

✔️ What's the highest investment you ever made for yourself? 

Think of the cost when you finally create the transformation work for you versus being stuck in indecision and stalling your success. To make that next $50,000, $500,000, or $5,000,000 in your business, you must courage up and invest in yourself.

✔️ Check the level at which you are setting your pricing.

If you are not surrounded by those you want to be close to in the communities you participate in, pricing is the boundary keeping you exactly where you are. 


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

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