Do you want to start selling that sets you up and your clients to WIN? First, learn non-negotiable concepts to create larger sums of money. In this episode, discover the mindset and simple system to become a highly paid power player that commands highly committed buyers. 

▶️ Lead Highly Committed Buyers With Empowered Selling

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ Sales is simply a conversation, a gateway that leads to a powerful decision. Are you still uncomfortable with sales? It is the most potent skill set you can learn in business. What you sell is yourself, your gifts, talents, skill sets, and know-how. You want to let your clients see what's holding them back, show them what's possible and guide them in making that decision that can change the trajectory of their life. Reflect the level of the game they're currently playing so they can choose a new reality toward their bigger dreams, desires, and results. 

✔️ There's a difference between wanting to help people and really helping them. Being the difference requires courage. Think about sales situations where you've been the buyer, investing the most money you've ever invested. It's a little uneasy. You must be willing to be even more uncomfortable than they are and be ready to upgrade your ability to hold space for people in the fire of transformation. It starts with you. 

✔️ My gift is helping you lean into the 'too much' that you already know that you are with zero apologies. The truth is, you are different. You're cut from a different cloth. You are uncommon. Your dreams and desires are unreasonable to average folks. You are the prototype for what you are trying to create. You are the blueprint, love. Own that. Fully embody it and watch the magic that happens. 

✔️ Be a reflection of the kind of buyer you want. Be all of the things you want your ideal clients to be and live in alignment with that, not just on social media. If you don't take decisive action when you're being sold to, how can you possibly expect that of others? You can't stand in the middle of your stories, limiting beliefs, fears, and excuses, accepting them as truth, and expect your prospects not to mirror back the same. Sales is a beautiful mirror for where you need to level up. 

✔️ A system that qualifies, filters, screens, and sells before you ever get on the call is instrumental to your success. From marketing, posting on social media, going live, and the sales conversation to the moment that they buy, you must be filtering and screening for your ideal clients. Why? Because not only does it help you get on a call with highly qualified buyers, it gives them the power and the ability to choose. The right clients will see your offer as a priority and know you're their person. You can charge premium prices with integrity.


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales.