If you've set your intentions to make your biggest sales be created this year — what you need are easy, focused strategies that you can implement right away. Learn how to stop trying to sell by convincing people and using a simple system to become a highly paid power player that commands highly committed buyers. Are you ready? 

▶️ How to Create Highly Committed Buyers

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ There are two main reasons we struggle to get to that million-dollar mark: 

▪ The fear, guilt, and shame of having an abundance of money. 

We are used to living in a world of "just enough." If I asked you: How much love, joy, health, and vitality do you want to have? You'd likely answer that you'd want as much as you possibly can. But if I ask, How much money do you want to make? You'd likely respond (as many others) that you'd want as much money as you can make, "just enough" to pay the bills, buy a house, travel a bit, and take care of the family and yourself. Just enough to feel comfortable. Just Enough. Do you see the shift that happens? There are different levels of money mindset, and people's concept depends on the levels they've handled it. 

▪ The fear of being extra. Now, this right here, this is at the heart of it all. We've been taught to hide our greatness. We've been taught not to outshine others. We've been taught that celebrating success is bragging and not being humble. These embedded codes and commands come up all the time, even for women (and men)who have already experienced a level of success, that success that others can only aspire to dream about, hope for, or even believe that they can have. That's why courage containers like the one inside this group are so powerful and necessary to support you and hold you accountable to reach the upper limits of what you can earn, have, be and do. 

✔️ Everyone is NOT your client, boo. 

Your business will transform when you realize you can't be the right person for all. ✋🏿 Stop expecting everyone to say yes. Instead, create the space for your power clients to see your offers as a priority so that you can charge premium pricing with integrity. 

✔️ Your dreams and desires are unreasonable to the average person.

My gift is to help you lean into becoming the GIANT that you are

with zero apologies. Because the truth is, you are different. You are an anomaly. You are special. You likely don't have very many examples of doing what you are trying to create. You are the prototype for what you are trying to accomplish. 

What I want you to do is own that. It's time to fully embody who you are meant to be and watch the magic that happens. 


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. http://shamecatankerson.com/