I am amazed at how my clients share a resemblance to me and my journey. Helping them achieve their big results is an affirmation that more entrepreneurs can change the trajectory of their lives using social media as a vehicle to collapse time and to increase their capacity to earn more and more, faster and faster. 

Jalynn Jones is a Vision to Profit Business Coach who launched a niched space helping women upgrade their businesses with intimate, low-cost, and high-value experiences. She built this after leaving her 6- figure corporate job and now celebrating her first 6-figure quarter just a few months later, surpassing the goal she had set for herself in the final quarter of 2022.

▶️ How Jalynn Created $105,853 in 90 days

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️The power of possibility. Seeing someone like you accomplish things you never even thought were plausible, let alone possible for you to create, is such a mighty thing. Jalynn comes from a background and a family who are all into sales but still finds herself stuck in reaching her dream income. "I was never able to articulate what I really want, but I didn't know it was possible until I saw you."

✔️Making the decisive action. Jalynn was in a difficult time of grief, yet mustered up the courage to walk through the door of opportunity that had opened before her. "I made my initial decision to join one of your programs. I was actually on the way to see my stepfather to view him for the first time after he passed away. Just something about how sovereign you were with your approach backed me up into really looking at myself. Making millions of sales in the corporate requires differently now that I'm doing a business myself." Jalynn joined our program & ushered in a remarkable new period in her life and business.

✔️ For goals to come into existence, Jalynn built upon these beliefs for herself: Normalize big money, collapse time, and recode your identity. Hold these in your mind and speak them with your mouth. "Six figures is my minimum wage." Exercise the muscle of courage and believe that good things don't require a long time to achieve. 

✔️ The most fulfilling thing we can achieve in our business is nurturing connections beyond the screen and having clients become friends.

Helping others break ceilings in their business and speed up the time frames in which they can create unfathomable, almost unrealistic results is what makes my mission and legacy. 


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. http://shamecatankerson.com/