Surviving as an entrepreneurial couple…Can it really be done? On this episode, we’re chatting with a very special power couple. Kerry & Adam Anderson are on a mission, which is to change the way families do business.

As a couple who have been through the ringer with their marriage and businesses, they have now come out on the other end of it and together, they run WHOLE LIFE ENTREPRENEURSHIP, empowering other entrepreneurial couples as they navigate the chaotic world of marriage and entrepreneurship.

We’re going to hear from them about the biggest myths surrounding entrepreneurial relationships and some of their best advice on how to stay afloat when the waters get rough. They will share their secret behind the Three C’s (Chill, Communication & Community) and how to make each one work for you.

To connect with Kerry & Adam Anderson outside of this episode, visit them at Whole Life Entrepreneurship at

To get their FREE 3 C’s Assessment, visit

To check out Kerry’s book, “In Bed with The Business: An Entrepreneurial Spouse’s Survival Guide” just click HERE


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