There is no shortage of research or literature on the positive benefits of having a solid morning routine, but many of us fail at implementing them. Why is that, and what can we do to improve our outcomes? My guest this week is Christine Rosas, a speaker, teacher, author and inner voice enthusiast.

On this episode, Christine explains how to figure out what kind of morning routine is right for you, and you might just be surprised at her solution!

More About Christine:

Christine helps overworked and overwhelmed moms fill their day with more laughter and less tears using quick and easy mindset techniques, so they feel more connected to their families and their own heartfelt desires. She has been known to describe herself as an adventurous spirit living in a control freak's body.

To learn more about Christine and her work, visit her website at

Grab a FREE resource as a gift from Christine: Make Time for What You Love

Check out Christine’s latest book: 
The Sensitive Edge: Learning to Trust Your Inner Voice and Thrive No Matter What

Join Christine and other Heart-Centered, Soul-Driven Women in the Nourishing Nook!

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