The theme of body weight and overall health is a delicate one for entrepreneurs, simply because we tend to put much more focus on building our business rather than setting ourselves up for a healthy lifestyle. We take care of our business tasks and others’ needs first and tend to leave our own health to chance or put it off until our bodies are screaming for help.

My expert guest this week is Michelle Hastie, who’s based out of Northern California. She’s a Binge-Eating Consultant and author of several published books about the psychology of weight loss, food addiction and disorders, and is currently completing her PhD to perform clinical research in this field. On this episode, she’s going to shed some major light on why you just can’t seem to lose the weight, even if you’re doing everything right and following all the accepted rules of the weight-loss game.

To find out more about Michelle’s work, connect with her on her website at

To check out her latest book, “Have Your Cake and Be Happy Too: A Joyful Approach to Weight Loss”, just go here:

To get instant access to Michelle’s FREEBIE, go to

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