This week's guest is Neil Griffin, Liferay's resident JSF Wizard, Lead Engineer for Liferay Faces and representative for Liferay on the Portlet-Spec 3.0 group (JSR 362).

(More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in the blogpost linked to the episode)

This week's guest is Neil Griffin, Liferay's resident JSF Wizard, Lead Engineer for Liferay Faces and representative for Liferay on the Portlet-Spec 3.0 group (JSR 362).

Here are our topics:

Liferay Faces started with, a cooperative work by Triton and Mimacom. Neil started at Triton, then came to Liferay and Triton and Mimacom donated the code.

Liferay Faces (LF) consists of LF Bridge, LF Alloy, LF Portal, LF Util.

You can find a lot of Demos for integration with different components, LF Alloy, Icefaces, Primefaces, RichFaces, InterPortletCommunication. (find Demos)

The history and problems with earlier JSF versions (esp. Version 1) in Portlets: JSR-329 standardized a standard portlet bridge, those were typically built independently of the portals.

With JSF 2.0 the integration into portlets got easier and the problems vanished.

We have 20 Legends now - thanks for all the forum participation

How does a portlet bridge work and why do values end up in the session even though we've declared them to be request-scoped? E.g. what phases from the JSF lifecycle are bridged to what phases in Portlets?

With JSF 2.2 one can finally go stateless, previous versions have been strictly stateful.

AlloyUI 2.0 and its integration into Liferay Faces Alloy, a JSF implementation that utilizes AlloyUI and YUI components.

Liferay Faces 4.1/4.2 is targetting Java EE 7 (e.g. JSF 2.2) and 4.2 is planned to be released with Liferay 6.2.

Liferay Faces is distributed through Maven Central, thus it's ready for use and the release is technically independent of Liferay.

Liferay IDE already integrates JSF in the "New Portlet" Wizard, and it will become a lot better in the next versions

Neil's JSR involvement (JSR 314, JSF 2.0, JSR 344, JSR 2.2, JSR 362 Portlet 3.0)

Due to the involvement in the new portlet standard: What's the Portlet 3.0 committee working on?

CDI Context & Dependency Injection, Conversation Scope, liferay-cdi-portlet-bridge.jar, Implementations: JBoss Weld, Open WebBeans, Resin Candi

Shoutout to the various cooperators, e.g. from RedHat: Ken Finnegan, Stan Silvert, Pete Muir & Jozef Hartinger, from Oracle: Ed Burns, Mike Freedman, Roger Kitain, Manfred Riem, many Liferay Engineers

Neil will be at DevCon in Berlin and at other upcoming symposium(s?)