It's my return guest show time - here's another one. However, you've unfortunately never heard my first recording with Juan Gonzalez, back when we did it. This was due to a glitch that I'm really sorry for. Juan holds the Community Contributor Award 2012 and has since joined the spanish office of Liferay, working mainly in support and in the Liferay Faces team. As we missed doing so in the recording - we'd like to have a shout out to all the support staff in/for Liferay. These are the guys that keep the system running and the customers happy, but rarely receive some of the glamour of standing in the spotlight.

(More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in the blogpost linked to the episode)

It's my return guest show time - here's another one. However, you've unfortunately never heard my first recording with Juan Gonzalez, back when we did it. This was due to a glitch that I'm really sorry for. Juan holds the Community Contributor Award 2012 and has since joined the spanish office of Liferay, working mainly in support and in the Liferay Faces team. As we missed doing so in the recording - we'd like to have a shout out to all the support staff in/for Liferay. These are the guys that keep the system running and the customers happy, but rarely receive some of the glamour of standing in the spotlight.

Some more keywords from the conversation:

The upcoming 6.1 GA3 release (sorry, this time I missed asking for the definitive release date)

JSF & Liferay Faces team, where Neil Griffin is leading the current efforts of transparently integrating the JSF lifecycle with the portlet lifecycle.

Juan actually sparked an upcoming episode (next, number 31) with Neil about JSF and Liferay Faces.

He updates me on the version numbers (JSF 2.1) and different JSF flavours (RichFaces, PrimeFaces, IceFaces) and their history, coming from Mojarra (Sun/Oracle) and MyFaces (Apache), and possibility to use them simultaneously.

Juan's contributions that he provided before he joined Liferay (and what he got the Community Contributor Award for): Audio/Video Preview, now found in the 6.1 Document Library)

xmlportletfactory, a project started by Jack A. Rider. This tool enables you to build CRUD portlets that are well integrated into Liferay's service-builder infrastructure. Juan provided the Asset-Integration for it.

The future: Juan is preparing a talk about JSF for the spanish symposium (meet him there) and plans to develop some JSF components, e.g. for dynamic data lists, pdf export

and as you can see: This time I didn't loose the recording again - that would have been too annoying...