My guest today is Paul Merriman. I was introduced to Paul by a couple of listeners who requested I bring him on the show. I'm glad they did!

Paul is an experienced financial advisor. But, he did that as a retirement hobby rather than as a wealth-building strategy.

To build his wealth, Paul took over, built, and then sold a manufacturing company. After retiring in 1982, he proceeded to build Merriman, a Seattle-based investment advisory firm. 

He grew the firm from nothing to $1.6B of assets under management and then sold it and retired to run his financial education site:

Topics on this interview include:

The role of goals and affirmations on Paul's journey
What it was like to build an advisory firm in the 1980s
What Paul's retirement schedule looks like

Enjoy the show!


Paul's Podcast
"Six Decisions Every Investor Must Make" - Paul's Article on Marketwatch
"10 numbers that can change your life"
"Who should retirement investors trust?"
"6 steps to the ultimate retirement portfolio"
"Retirement savers: Fine-tune your asset asllocation"
"30 reasons to fall in love with index funds"
"Do you have enough money to retire?"