Our value and contribution in this world will be directly impacted by the level of our education. It's impossible to create more value without more education.

(Yes, there are many kinds of education. I'm using the word inclusively.)

But, under what system and whose goals have we been educated?

Unfortunately, many of us have been educated under a system that promotes someone else's goals over our own. Too few of us know how to sit down and design an educational path that will take us closer to our goals.

In today's show, I share with you a number of important ideas including:

The centrality of your goals in an educational plan.
The connection between goals, study, and action.
The costs of education in both money and time.
The continuum of education from personal to impersonal and from sychronous to asynchronous.
Benefits and drawbacks of different ways of acquiring education.
About somoene has written 16.8 books per year over the course of a 60-year career!

Enjoy the show!


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