I received a question from a listner which I decided to answer for you on today's show:

Joshua: So, this is a "fun question" that everyone loves to fantasize about. I hope it will be fun for you to answer, but it could have a really boring answer, but I'm sure you'll surprise me somehow! 
What would you do if you won the lottery?
As a financial planner, what advice would you give to a client who had won the lottery? What would the most optimal tax strategy be? Do you take the payments or the lump sum? Would the up-front tax hit be worth it for the long term capital gains? -Micah

So, today I tackled the question! Be prepared...my answer is a bit different from many people's answers to this question.

I do share very specifically with you what I would do. I share what I would buy and what I would invest in. But, I felt it was important to go ahead and address a few of the reasons why I feel the way I do.

This show is very personal to me and it involves a lot of how I see the world. I hope you enjoy it!

The show is divided into three parts. Feel free to pick and choose if you want to, but give it a shot listening straight through:

The first 47 minutes of the show are about lotteries in general and why I'm not a fan.
Starting at 47:00, I share the underpinnings of my worldview and the framework for how and why I handle money.
At 1:41:00 I share specifically what I would buy and what I would invest in.



End the Government's Lottery Monopoly - Daily Beast
History of Gambling in the United States
2,350 Bible Verses on Money
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