Are you tired of feeling like you're just managing? Does your heart desire more time, more energy, more connection with your family?

In this episode Deanne describes her own Heart Shift where she learned to drop into her heart and listen to her own deep desire to do things with more joy, more flow, and more ease.

Ready for your own HeartShift? visit to chat with Deanne

Deanne Barrett M.A. is an educator, speaker and coach who is dedicated to helping moms lead their family and community with their authentic light and love. Deanne helps moms all over the globe to step into their big vision and make heart-centered decisions with confidence and clarity. Deanne lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with her husband and two children. You might find her at a local coffee shop with her laptop, or riding her bike along the pathways throughout the city!


Want to become more radiant, and grow your capacity for leadership? Let’s connect!



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