“How many more patients?How much time is left in my day?”Sound familiar? Hopefully not too familiar – such thinking may indicate burnout.

In this episode of Quick Takes, Dr. David Gratzer sits down with Dr. Treena Wilkie, Deputy Physician-in-Chief, Medical Affairs and Practice at CAMH to talk about burnout: what the signs are, and what can – and is – being done to help doctors avoid it.

In this episode the following was discussed:

What exactly is physician burnout?How common burnout is now and why rates may be rising.The effect physician burnout could have on the public health care system.What doctors can do if they think they may be experiencing it.And what organizations should do to try to ensure their physicians never burn out.

To hear a story of one physician’s experience with burnout, check out our bonus track Episode #5 Double Take


Quick Takes is a production of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health. You can find links to the relevant content mentioned in the show and accessible transcripts of all the episodes we produce online at CAMH.ca.

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