“Always leave them wanting more.”

On this episode of Quick Takes, Dr. David Gratzer enjoys a conversation with retiring psychiatrist, Dr. David Goldbloom. They discuss research, stigma, Dr. Goldbloom’s optimism for the future of psychiatry, and, yes, his retirement plans (spoiler alert: he’s thinking about writing a book and no mention of golf).

As he heads into retirement Dr. Goldbloom shares his thoughts  on:

• Therapeutics: He is frustrated with the slow progress on their development.
•The state of psychiatry today: He is excited by the shift among younger psychiatrists towards the care of people with severe and persistent mental illness.
• The future: He is optimistic on the acceleration in the quality and sophistication and reach of research and our ability to forge new paradigms.
• And he leaves us all with some sage advice:
     o “See as many patients as you can because the exposure to a wide variety of people and wide variety of journeys is both humbling and profoundly educational.”
     o “We don't seek second opinions as often as we should, and there's no way on earth we can be right all the time.”


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Quick Takes is a production of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health. You can find links to the relevant content mentioned in the show and accessible transcripts of all the episodes we produce online at CAMH.ca.

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