“We want to really be cautious because these are complex pieces of software “

Should we be using an AI-based tool like ChatGPT in practice? Is it ready? Are we? In this episode of Quick Takes, Dr. Gratzer speaks with returning guest Dr. John Torous about the impact tools like this could have on mental health care, both now and in the future.

During their conversation we learn:

ChatGPT is just one of many large language models available.Google Research is creating one specifically for medical education.It’s a good tool for psychoeducation and quick drug-drug interactionsAI is already being integrated in to EMRs.There have been use cases that impacted both patient privacy and ethical concerns.Until the technology companies solve the privacy issue, never input PHI.And, one day, you may rely on a tool like ChatGPT to write your discharge summaries.

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Quick Takes is a production of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health. You can find links to the relevant content mentioned in the show and accessible transcripts of all the episodes we produce online at CAMH.ca.

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