Previous Episode: Tools – Part One
Next Episode: Collegial Consenus

Few tools are as important as computers and their associated software. Where would we be without them?!

The world of quality tools took a giant step with the invention of the microprocessor and all that’s followed in its wake. Many have tamed the beast of document control through basic on-line management of all their documents and records. Still others have computerized all their testing and reports for later analysis by an informed and more aware top management group. It’s simply amazing how far computerization has taken every profession in their quest to work smarter instead of harder.

This program also marks two new milestones: The addition of many of these Podcasts to the on-line offerings of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), and the announcement of my second book entitled, “The Magic of Self Directed Work Teams – A Case Study of Courage and Culture Change.” This new addition to their Quality Press offerings tells the story of our work within Northern Pipe Products over the past 8 years in developing a participative work place that opens up unlimited possibilities to improve.

To listen to the program, simply click on the title below:

Tools in the Age of Computers

As always, I look forward to your comments and suggestions – leave a comment here at the site (, or write to me directly at my work E-mail address: [email protected]

