Subscriber Paul Tolenaars offers some thoughtful insights to project management and asks that I comment on some of my favorite tools.

Here’s an excerpt from a recent E-mail that inspired this Podcast:

Basically Project Management is the skills, tools and management processes that are required to undertake a project successfully.

If we expand on this:

Skills – specialist knowledge, skills and experience are required to reduce the level of risk that a project has – these are used to increase the likelihood of success

Tools – a suite of tools are used by project managers to increase their chance of success. Examples include document templates, registers, planning software, audit check lists and review forms.

Processes – a variety of Project Management processes and techniques are required to monitor and control the triple constraints of Time, quality and scope, plus cost of projects. Examples can include risk and issue management, time management, quality management, cost management etc

Could you please explain some of the Tools you would use in a quality program to make processes work? I guess you use more than a clip board and pencil


Paul Tolenaars

Well, Paul – I dug out my clipboard and came up with a few suggestions. Many thanks your insights and this great program suggestion!

To listen to the program, just click on the title below:


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