Here's the essence, the most essential components of making collective improvements and providing for the input of others to create excellence.

Perhaps this Podcast includes too many definitions, if only because each defined word might well be the subject of its own program. Perhaps. Instead, here’s hoping that these words find unique definitions within your organization, if only because, regardless of any supplied definitions, it’s in their use that greatness is discovered.

To listen to the program, just click on the title below:


The material below is the work of the US TAG to ISO TC 176 and was recently approved as their “Principles for Consensus”


Vote and write useful comments on all draft standards

Construct concise and clearly justified US positions

Focus attention on critical issues

Meticulously attend to significant details

Simplify complex standards issues

Concentrate on what works


Do what we agreed to do

Recognize mistakes and use the experience to improve processes

Defend consensus positions openly

Hold to commitments under inappropriate pressure

Continue to participate until everyone understands the issues


Create opportunities for others to recognize their own self-worth

Work with the least experienced members on complex issues

Treat poor results as opportunities, not mistakes

Seek opportunities to befriend people who appear to feel intimidated or unimportant

Sublimate personal needs to users’ needs for effective and efficient standards