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Purpose Driven Mom Show

451 episodes - English - Latest episode: 14 days ago - ★★★★★ - 156 ratings

The Purpose Driven Mom Show is for all moms - stay at home moms, work at home moms, or working moms! The goal is to help you find systems and routines to manage your home, go after your goals, feel less stressed and have more joy in your home and parenting!

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Essential Business Systems for Mompreneurs

September 24, 2020 09:00 - 48 minutes - 42.1 MB

If you are a struggling mompreneur lacking efficient systems in your business, Cara and her Mompreneur Summit team have the tips you need. Speakers from this year’s Mompreneur Summit are experts in accomplishing business goals while staying true to yourself. Being an entrepreneur and a busy mom at the same time is tough. It can be hard to balance work goals and tasks while prioritizing family and faith. Luckily, Cara’s guests in this episode have the best recommendations to help. Danie...

How to Habit Stack Your Business Systems | Master Your Time Mondays

September 21, 2020 09:00 - 14 minutes - 13.3 MB

As a business owner, there are SO many things you need to do and it can feel overwhelming. I would love to be an expert in Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Email Marketing --- and the list goes on and on. Instead of trying to 'do it all' - I want to chat about how to use my habit stacking principles in your systems and goals when it comes to your business! If you want to learn more about these systems - go and grab a seat at my free workshop: 3 Simple Steps to Ditch Overwhelm, Stay Motivate...

Making Family Chore Routines With Ashley Buffa

September 17, 2020 09:00 - 40 minutes - 35.3 MB

Being a mom can be tough sometimes. Ever find yourself staring at the pile of dishes in the sink or the laundry that has to be folded? It’s so easy to get distracted by all that needs to be done around this house during your ‘work time’. Today we will be talking to our guest Ashley Buffa from “The Freedom Moms” about how to get your kids on board and create chore routines in your home so that you’re not always nagging, and all of the tasks don’t fall on you. Ashley is a mother of 10, a bus...

Why (And How) To Add In A Workout Routine As A Busy Mom| Master Your Time Mondays

September 14, 2020 09:00 - 18 minutes - 17.5 MB

We're throwing it back today and talking about workout routines. I got started with entrepreneurship via network marketing and fitness was at the center of that. Over the past 8 years, even though my business has changed, I still have kept an exercise habit. And, as a busy mom, I find it at the top of my habits list! Let's chat today about why you need to take care of your health and how to do it as a busy mom!   Grab this FREE checklist and Trello board: https://www.purposedrivenmomp...

Creating Goals for Your Business with Theresa Forever

September 10, 2020 09:00 - 37 minutes - 29.6 MB

Do you ever wonder if there’s more that you can be doing in order to conquer your to-do list and achieve your goals? On today’s episode, Theresa Forever talks us through the importance of setting goals, and goal setting strategies you can adopt in order to reach your full potential and prosper in your business.   The episode goes through what to avoid when setting goals and how to set goals that align with your purpose. You will learn about how to curate your goals so that you are excite...

Self Care Routines for Busy Moms | Master Your Time Mondays

September 07, 2020 09:00 - 16 minutes - 15.2 MB

Self-care is more than just bubble baths! As moms, it's important we schedule a time for us but what does self-care ACTUALLY look like? Let's chat today about how you can create a self-care routine that sets you up for success and leaves you feeling energized! Want more tips on how to plan self-care into your day?   Grab this checklist and Trello board: https://www.purposedrivenmomprenuer.com/weekly-checklist-trello-board/ Comment any questions! I’d love to help! FREE WEEKLY CHE...

Creating Health Routines As A Busy Mom With Jennifer Nagel

September 03, 2020 09:00 - 43 minutes - 35.8 MB

You don't want to get to the place of burnout but want to avoid it at all costs? Then let's talk about health and fitness today. Creating healthy meal plans, stopping the emotional eating, and weaving exercise into your day does not have to be hard. In this episode, I'm chatting with Jennifer about how to have an easy health and fitness routine --- during this back to school time. And how to add a few minutes more to your self-care will change your life. How much better will you fee...

Back to School Routines | Master Your Time Mondays

August 31, 2020 09:00 - 10 minutes - 9.09 MB

Looking to streamline your calendar? Gone are the days where we have to keep every piece of paper from the kid's school or remember every doctor's appointment! Let me show you how to create an awesome calendar on Trello you're entire Family can get on board with! Want this template, a checklist, and a free video tutorial? Go here https://www.purposedrivenmomprenuer.com/weekly-checklist-trello-board/ A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/fbpodcast9/

How to Stop Running on Empty with Renae Fieck

August 27, 2020 09:00 - 36 minutes - 31.4 MB

In this episode, Renae Fieck talks about how you can stop running on empty so that you can go after your own goals. Where you go from "I'm struggling, this is awful" to a place where you empower other moms to thrive in motherhood. You should be able to give yourself permission to know that there will be an opportunity someday. Just because things are put on a hold for a season doesn't mean that it's on hold forever. And when you have your priorities, it makes it so much easier to not loo...

Creating Boundaries | Master Your Time Mondays

August 24, 2020 09:00 - 21 minutes - 19.5 MB

It can be really hard to say no. I get it. I'm a recovering people pleaser and honestly, I still struggle with making boundaries. And it's not just boundaries with others but boundaries with myself, my job, and everything in between. Today let's chat about ways you can create more boundaries and how by saying 'no' you can create more time for 'yes' FREE SOCIAL MEDIA PLANNER:  https://apurposedrivenmom.com/socialmediaplanner FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/...

Creating Boundaries

August 24, 2020 09:00 - 21 minutes - 19.5 MB

It can be really hard to say no. I get it. I'm a recovering people pleaser and honestly, I still struggle with making boundaries. And it's not just boundaries with others but boundaries with myself, my job, and everything in between. Today let's chat about ways you can create more boundaries and how by saying 'no' you can create more time for 'yes' FREE SOCIAL MEDIA PLANNER:  https://apurposedrivenmom.com/socialmediaplanner FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/...

Easy Back To School Meal Planning Routines With Michelle Diaz

August 20, 2020 09:00 - 41 minutes - 33.6 MB

Do you wish you could learn how to plan meal routines that actually work? How can we, as busy moms, implement meal planning systems that stop us from being overwhelmed? Today's episode focuses on helping you learn how to effectively plan your meal routines and engage the kids in these plans. Michelle shares amazing tips on how to successfully implement a meal routine that works!   FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://www.apurposedrivenmom.com/weekly-checklist/ A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW...

Creating An Environment To Work Better At Home | Master Your Time Mondays

August 17, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 16.4 MB

Are you working at home right now or for the school year? I've been working from home for the past 6 years and there are some things you can do to make it a little easier on you (and the kiddos) Check out those tips today and if you need help with managing your social media - check out my Trello Social Media Planner where you can map your posts out in <2 hours for the entire month! FREE GOAL SETTING CLASS: https://apurposedrivenmom.com/goals A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedr...

Creating An Environment To Work Better At Home

August 17, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 16.4 MB

Are you working at home right now or for the school year? I've been working from home for the past 6 years and there are some things you can do to make it a little easier on you (and the kiddos) Check out those tips today and if you need help with managing your social media - check out my Trello Social Media Planner where you can map your posts out in <2 hours for the entire month! FREE GOAL SETTING CLASS: https://apurposedrivenmom.com/goals A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedr...

Changing The Motherhood Narrative With Kendra Hennessy

August 13, 2020 09:00 - 53 minutes - 43.5 MB

Are you tired of the “hot mess” culture surrounding motherhood? Are you struggling with setting boundaries and maintaining a clean home? Motherhood is overwhelming, and the pervasive “hot mess” and “mom guilt” culture can make it even harder. That’s why Kendra implements realistic routines and a practical mindset shift to alleviate that stress. In this episode, Kendra provides helpful, actionable tips on how to improve your mindset so that cleaning and being a mom is more enjoyable and f...

Getting Started with Homeschooling Routines with Kayse Pratt

August 10, 2020 09:00 - 50 minutes - 47.7 MB

Let's talk about homeschool routines as there are a lot of people transitioning to homeschooling for the first time right now. Today we are chatting to planner expert Kayse Pratt about homeschooling. When you are diving into homeschooling understanding that you are not going to be creating a traditional school at home will be your starting point. After that Kayse dives into helpful ways to have a Homeschool Planner to do yearly planning, monthly planning, and weekly planning. A place to ...

How Organization Impacts Our Mental Health With Louise Hopkin

August 06, 2020 09:00 - 39 minutes - 32.8 MB

If you’re a mom that needs a few tips on how to organize and declutter, this episode is for you! It can be very difficult to find the time and energy to organize when you’re busy with kids, and we totally understand. Louise breaks down several easy steps you can take to relieve the stress that comes with a cluttered home.   This episode will help you understand the three pillars of decluttering, and ways in which organization can improve your mental health, time management, and finances....

Creating a System for Reflection

August 03, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 15.6 MB

I noticed a while ago that I was becoming a 'goal chaser.' That meant that I was just moving from one goal to another and not taking enough time to reflect and make a plan to move forward. Today, I want to talk about how you can make a reflection a system and routine that you add into your day so that you can be more effective, get more done of what matters and actually enjoy the journey! If you want help adding it into your weekly planning, snag this checklist for free to get going! FR...

Creating a System for Reflection | Master Your Time Mondays

August 03, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 15.6 MB

I noticed a while ago that I was becoming a 'goal chaser.' That meant that I was just moving from one goal to another and not taking enough time to reflect and make a plan to move forward. Today, I want to talk about how you can make a reflection a system and routine that you add into your day so that you can be more effective, get more done of what matters and actually enjoy the journey! If you want help adding it into your weekly planning, snag this checklist for free to get going! FR...

Creating A Positive Motherhood Mindset With Caroline J. Sumlin

July 30, 2020 09:00 - 49 minutes - 39.5 MB

If you are struggling with negativity surrounding motherhood, maintaining a structure for your kids during a difficult time, or simply need a reminder to lean into your faith, Caroline’s insight and actionable steps will help you develop a positive motherhood mindset so that you leave this episode feeling understood and empowered. A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcast63/

Using Batch Scheduling To Maximize Your Time

July 27, 2020 09:00 - 21 minutes - 19.1 MB

Batching scheduling is one of the ways I"m able to maximize my time without feeling like I'm not making progress! Let's chat about how this can look in your home and your business! FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/weekly-checklist-printable/ A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/fbpodcast4/

Using Batch Scheduling To Maximize Your Time | Master Your Time Mondays

July 27, 2020 09:00 - 21 minutes - 19.1 MB

Batching scheduling is one of the ways I"m able to maximize my time without feeling like I'm not making progress! Let's chat about how this can look in your home and your business! FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/weekly-checklist-printable/ A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/fbpodcast4/

Why Mindfulness Matters For Moms With Carina Devi

July 23, 2020 09:00 - 39 minutes - 32.8 MB

Why is mindfulness for moms important? Why is it seen as the "missing link" for busy moms between where you are and where you want to be? When you are feeling resistant to adding yet another thing into all the other things you are doing today. Listen in on this conversation as we talk about practical tips of how mindfulness can help you with mom anxiety, dealing with trauma, and the day-to-day mom life. FREE Batching Masterclass: apurposedrivenmom.com/batchingmasterclass A PURPOS...

Using Batch Scheduling To Maximize Your Time | Master Your Time Mondays

July 20, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 16 MB

One of the biggest mistakes I see moms making when it comes to managing their time is not taking the time to create systems that help them streamline life and business. Today I want to talk about how to get started with systems, why you need them, and how a time inventory is the first step is getting all your systems and routines up and running! FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/weekly-checklist-printable/ A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom....

Using A Time Inventory To Start Creating A Batch System| Master Your Time Mondays

July 20, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 16 MB

One of the biggest mistakes I see moms making when it comes to managing their time is not taking the time to create systems that help them streamline life and business. Today I want to talk about how to get started with systems, why you need them, and how a time inventory is the first step is getting all your systems and routines up and running! FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/weekly-checklist-printable/ A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom....

Productivity Tips for Moms who are Working from Home while Also Taking Care of Their Kids

July 16, 2020 09:00 - 48 minutes - 41.8 MB

How can you get work done at home while the kids are around? Systems? Routines? Habits? Boundaries? You had your kids so you can spend time with them. For you to leave them to go to work is tough. You don't have to do that. It is possible to work while the kids are at home. Listen in on this interview with Rachael Jenks about how to be productive when you work AND have kids with you. FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/weekly-checklist-printable/ A PURPOSE D...

Where To Spend Your Time When It Comes To Your Goals | Master Your Time Mondays

July 13, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 15.7 MB

Let's chat about goals. Are you a mom that is struggling to come up with goals? OR a mom that is struggling with too many goals? Let's walk through simplifying your goal setting together. When should you set your goals? How do you set goals when you are so busy already? What is it going to take to actually achieve the simplified goals that you set out for yourself? Cara walks through her processes of goal setting and achieving them --- for her personal life and her business. With thi...

Where To Spend Your Time When It Comes To Your Goals | Master Your Time Mondays 002

July 13, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 15.7 MB

Let's chat about goals. Are you a mom that is struggling to come up with goals? OR a mom that is struggling with too many goals? Let's walk through simplifying your goal setting together. When should you set your goals? How do you set goals when you are so busy already? What is it going to take to actually achieve the simplified goals that you set out for yourself? Cara walks through her processes of goal setting and achieving them --- for her personal life and her business. With thi...

Being An Intentional Mom And The 5 Minute Time In With Brittney Smart

July 09, 2020 09:00 - 39 minutes - 31.5 MB

Today we are talking about proactive parenting and what you can do as a parent to engage your kids more. If you are feeling overwhelmed with all that you have going on in your life right now, be encouraged today on how you can find time to be with your kids even with everything else that you have on your to-do list. FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/weekly-checklist-printable/ A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcast60/

The First Step To Getting Your Routines Back | Master Your Time Mondays

July 06, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 16.2 MB

Have you ever created a time inventory? This is the first step in getting your routines back! Let's work together to create time and space for you to reflect on what has happened and pivot what you want to accomplish. Listen in to this Facebook Live Cara hosted in the NEW segment of her show called "Master Your Time Mondays" and take those first steps to get your routines back. Grab a pen and paper to do start setting your routines. You got this busy mom. FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: http...

The First Step To Getting Your Routines Back | Master Your Time Mondays 001

July 06, 2020 09:00 - 17 minutes - 16.2 MB

Have you ever created a time inventory? This is the first step in getting your routines back! Let's work together to create time and space for you to reflect on what has happened and pivot what you want to accomplish. Listen in to this Facebook Live Cara hosted in the NEW segment of her show called "Master Your Time Mondays" and take those first steps to get your routines back. Grab a pen and paper to do start setting your routines. You got this busy mom. FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: http...

Bonus 3: Goal Setting Workshop Series | Action Planning

July 03, 2020 09:00 - 52 minutes - 47 MB

Goal Setting Workshop Series a FREE Live Training Virtual Event. Adjusting your 2020 goals to end the year strong! How can you make the rest of 2020 --- the year you get done what matters! Join the Free Video Series to Reset Your 2020 Goals: http://apurposedrivenmom.com/goalsetting Instead of starting the year overwhelmed, unsure of what goals you should work on, and feeling behind - let's finish the year with clarity.  As busy moms, we often put our own goals on the back burner or do...

Talking to Your Kids About Racism with Jasmine Bradshaw

July 02, 2020 09:00 - 35 minutes - 27.7 MB

Creating a more loving, inclusive, and just society starts at home. How do you talk to your kids about racism? Where can you learn about how people of color are treated in our country? When is it too early to talk to your kids about racism? How do you talk to people in your circle when they don't really want to hear it about racism? What happens when you hit a mindset roadblock about racism? And what is like to be a Christian and discuss racism? How do we, as Christians help fight for the ...

Bonus 2: Goal Setting Workshop Series | Vision + Goals

July 01, 2020 09:00 - 52 minutes - 45.4 MB

Goal Setting Workshop Series a FREE Live Training Virtual Event. Adjusting your 2020 goals to end the year strong! How can you make the rest of 2020 --- the year you get done what matters! Join the Free Video Series to Reset Your 2020 Goals: http://apurposedrivenmom.com/goalsetting Instead of starting the year overwhelmed, unsure of what goals you should work on, and feeling behind - let's finish the year with clarity.  As busy moms, we often put our own goals on the back burner or do...

Bonus 1: Goal Setting Workshop Series | Reflections

June 26, 2020 09:00 - 45 minutes - 40.1 MB

Goal Setting Workshop Series a FREE Live Training Virtual Event. Adjusting your 2020 goals to end the year strong! How can you make the rest of 2020 --- the year you get done what matters! Join the Free Video Series to Reset Your 2020 Goals: http://apurposedrivenmom.com/goalsetting Instead of starting the year overwhelmed, unsure of what goals you should work on, and feeling behind - let's finish the year with clarity.  As busy moms, we often put our own goals on the back burner or do...

Mini Coaching Sessions With Moms

June 25, 2020 09:00 - 55 minutes - 42.1 MB

Need a little help goal setting? As busy moms with everything going on in the world --- those 2020 plans need a little help You can get back on track with setting your 2020 goals. It's never too late. Join us for our free goal setting series. In this episode, Cara live coaches two different busy moms that are trying to tweak their routines and set themselves up for success. Meet Cynthia and listen in on how she is coached through finding a way to set her early afternoon routine up for ...

Summer Routines from Other Moms

June 18, 2020 09:00 - 30 minutes - 27.9 MB

Summer is right around the corner. What are some of the best routines that you can use to make this a great summer for you and your family? Today on the A Purpose Driven Mom Podcast we are chatting with 4 mom friends of their top advice for not just surviving summer but having the best you can at the moment you are in. Let's get started. FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: https://apurposedrivenmom.lpages.co/weekly-checklist-printable/ A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podc...

Getting On The Same Page With Your Finances With Mikayla And Dan Ockey

June 11, 2020 09:00 - 48 minutes - 38.5 MB

Managing your finances and get on the same page with your spouse can be challenging in ordinary life ... let alone now in our current global crisis with Covid-19. Listen in on this episode about how to do your budgeting in a fun and easy way that you've probably never heard before. Also, learn about how to create financial goals as a family. This will work on any budget. Finally, dig into the conversation and the step by step approach on how to talk to your spouse about doing financ...

Bonus: Celebrating One Year Of The A Purpose Driven Mom Podcast

May 31, 2020 09:00 - 22 minutes - 17.2 MB

How is it that moms can side hustle themselves into a business!? Have you thought of starting a business in the margins of your life? Join Cara in this solo episode about how she got started on the A Purpose Driven Mom Podcast. We are celebrating the one year podcast anniversary today. And in this episode, we dive into the history of how and why the show got started. But most importantly, the journey that it took to get here. And how you can do it too! If you ever thought about startin...

Creating a More Simplified Life with Desirae Endres

May 28, 2020 09:00 - 38 minutes - 30.5 MB

When you have so much stuff in your home, where do you even start to create calm and peace?   Starting can be the hardest place when trying to create a more simplified life. Your self-expectations of trying to get "everything right" will cause you to crash and burn more often than not. So why even bother trying?!   Perfectionism will always stop you. And perfect is not you. You are called to be authentically you.    You are a good mom. And there is no real standard that your home...

Creating More Time with God in your Busy Seasons with Latoya Edwards

May 21, 2020 09:00 - 40 minutes - 30.8 MB

Quiet time with God is not a to-do list item. But with the pressure that you put on yourself --- it can feel like it. These unrealistic self-expectations are enough to make you want to give up. Deepening your relationship with God does not require perfection. The whole point of quiet time is to get to know God. Like a friend. You wouldn't say to your friend ... "Oh, We haven't spoken in two weeks so I guess we are not friends anymore." No! You're still friends and you still want to nurtur...

Thriving in Motherhood with Kara-Kae James

May 14, 2020 09:00 - 35 minutes - 28.2 MB

For the mom out there that is struggling in this global pandemic ... or struggle with motherhood ... we are chatting today with Kara-Kae about thriving in the midst of the chaos. Be encouraged to find rest, Be encouraged to find hope and joy in Jesus. Be encouraged to give yourself grace. Kara - Kae is the author of 'Mom UP: Thriving with grace in the chaos of motherhood' You can thrive today, no matter what is going on. Kara- Kae talk about the one thing you can do on the worst of you...

52: Priority Based Productivity with Nina Garcia

May 07, 2020 09:00 - 35 minutes - 29.2 MB

Are you stuck right now in the thick of it?! How can we, as busy moms, decrease burnout in the middle of this global crisis? Listen in on today's conversation to glean great tips for how you can take a deep breath and stop burnout in its tracks. Time are tough, with the feeling of isolation, struggling in circles and failing every single day. I want to tell you ... you are doing an amazing job! You are a wonderful mom and you are doing great. If you are feeling a little burnout r...

Priority Based Productivity with Nina Garcia

May 07, 2020 09:00 - 35 minutes - 29.2 MB

Are you stuck right now in the thick of it?! How can we, as busy moms, decrease burnout in the middle of this global crisis? Listen in on today's conversation to glean great tips for how you can take a deep breath and stop burnout in its tracks. Time are tough, with the feeling of isolation, struggling in circles and failing every single day. I want to tell you ... you are doing an amazing job! You are a wonderful mom and you are doing great. If you are feeling a little burnout r...

051: Helping Your Kids Become More Independent With JoAnn Crohn

April 30, 2020 09:00 - 36 minutes - 28.6 MB

When you are doing all the things, controlling all the things at home ... being the mom who does the house, the kids, the work outside the home. This leads to a life of exhaustion, burnout, and trying to do it all. Running yourself ragged, and resentful to the responsibilities of the home and kids. How about this? How about teaching your kids to help out more. How to teach kids to be more independent. Making your kids more self-sufficient AND happy as well.   FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: ...

Helping Your Kids Become More Independent With JoAnn Crohn

April 30, 2020 09:00 - 36 minutes - 28.6 MB

When you are doing all the things, controlling all the things at home ... being the mom who does the house, the kids, the work outside the home. This leads to a life of exhaustion, burnout, and trying to do it all. Running yourself ragged, and resentful to the responsibilities of the home and kids. How about this? How about teaching your kids to help out more. How to teach kids to be more independent. Making your kids more self-sufficient AND happy as well.   FREE WEEKLY CHECKLIST: ...

Strategies to Help Teacher - Moms Thrive During A Crisis with Kristin Maahs

April 26, 2020 09:00 - 28 minutes - 22.3 MB

Where are our teacher-moms at? This episode is for you! To encourage you through the burnout and the chaos of life right now as we are in a time of global crisis. We are here to support you with some tips and strategies on how you can thrive at home balancing being a teacher and a mom. Not a teacher-mom? No problem! Listen in as Cara dives deep with this topic of thriving in mom's life with Kristin. Find out where to start when you have a passion project or new business ... just for you...

Ditching the All or Nothing Mentality

April 23, 2020 09:00 - 31 minutes - 28.8 MB

Perfectionism, high expectations, comparison, self-doubt, being in control, these are indicators that you struggle with an all or nothing mentality. The effects of this mentality are far-reaching in your life. From deep-rooted indecision, and discontent to yelling at the kids all the time. Let's start to make the switch. Let's start in this small way that will change everything. Your mindset! Listen in on today's episode to be coached by Cara as she shares her struggles and tools to overco...

050: Ditching the All or Nothing Mentality

April 23, 2020 09:00 - 31 minutes - 28.8 MB

Perfectionism, high expectations, comparison, self-doubt, being in control, these are indicators that you struggle with an all or nothing mentality. The effects of this mentality are far-reaching in your life. From deep-rooted indecision, and discontent to yelling at the kids all the time. Let's start to make the switch. Let's start in this small way that will change everything. Your mindset! Listen in on today's episode to be coached by Cara as she shares her struggles and tools to overco...

Embracing Motherhood in Every Season with Kristina Kuzmič

April 16, 2020 09:00 - 30 minutes - 25.2 MB

Are you being super honest with yourself? Are you hiding your truth? If you are hiding who you truly are you'll never able to heal. This is the advice that our guest today gives. Kristina Kuzmič says that you won't escape other people's judgment... so stop trying to. Leave behind what people think of you and say about you and take care of your sanity, yourself and your kids. Then go a step further and be kind to yourself. Leave the negative self-talk behind by asking yourself ... would ...