If you’re a parent you’ve likely had your buttons pushed by your toddler in the throes of a tantrum. We know we have! It’s downright difficult to handle your toddler’s distress and maintain your cool when they’re howling about you doing it “all wrong” … for the sixth time today. In this episode Yael speaks with Dr. Schrag Hershberg, a clinical psychologist and author of The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune into Your Toddler’s Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again, about what tantrums are, how to reduce their frequency and duration, and new and creative ways for parents to manage their own responses to these developmentally appropriate emotional meltdowns. Listen and Learn: What are tantrums and what function do they serve?
Strategies to reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of tantrums
Common causes of toddler tantrums
How to reconnect with that loving feeling during a meltdown or painful developmental phase
Creative ways to interrupt a tantrum
Why timeouts and tantrums don’t mix
Striking the balance between love and limits About Dr. Schrag Hershberg:
Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and founder of the Little House Calls Psychological Services which is based in New York and aimed at helping parents and families manage early childhood challenges. Dr. Schrag Hershberg is also the mother of two young boys and the author of The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune into Your Toddler’s Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again. She
Resources: The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune into Your Toddler’s Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again by Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, Ph.D.
“Stop Posting You Child’s Tantrum on Instagram” New York Times August 22, 2019 Opinion Page Article by Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, Ph.D. and Daniel T. Willingham, Ph.D.
“To Give In or Not Give in” Psychology Today Blog Post by Rebecca Schrag Hershberg
“Just Another Gratitude Post” Psychology Today Blog Post by Rebecca Schrag Hershberg
“Beautiful Two’s” from Joel Mitchell _________________________
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If you’re a parent you’ve likely had your buttons pushed by your toddler in the throes of a tantrum. We know we have! It’s downright difficult to handle your toddler’s distress and maintain your cool when they’re howling about you doing it “all wrong” … for the sixth time today.

In this episode Yael speaks with Dr. Schrag Hershberg, a clinical psychologist and author of The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune into Your Toddler’s Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again, about what tantrums are, how to reduce their frequency and duration, and new and creative ways for parents to manage their own responses to these developmentally appropriate emotional meltdowns.

Listen and Learn:What are tantrums and what function do they serve?Strategies to reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of tantrumsCommon causes of toddler tantrumsHow to reconnect with that loving feeling during a meltdown or painful developmental phaseCreative ways to interrupt a tantrumWhy timeouts and tantrums don’t mixStriking the balance between love and limitsAbout Dr. Schrag Hershberg:

Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and founder of the Little House Calls Psychological Services which is based in New York and aimed at helping parents and families manage early childhood challenges. Dr. Schrag Hershberg is also the mother of two young boys and the author of The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune into Your Toddler’s Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again. She

Resources:The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune into Your Toddler’s Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again by Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, Ph.D.“Stop Posting You Child’s Tantrum on Instagram” New York Times August 22, 2019 Opinion Page Article by Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, Ph.D. and Daniel T. Willingham, Ph.D.“To Give In or Not Give in” Psychology Today Blog Post by Rebecca Schrag Hershberg“Just Another Gratitude Post” Psychology Today Blog Post by Rebecca Schrag Hershberg“Beautiful Two’s” from Joel Mitchell


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