Happy Halloween week, witches, wizards, and magical people! In this week’s episode, Tylor, Jordan and Emma get into the spooky festive spirits with a discussion about dark magical creatures, and how fear influences perceptions of beings in both the wizarding world and muggle world!


Also in this episode:


What makes a magical creature a ‘dark’ magical creature? Liberating language and the power of projecting fear and intolerance onto other beings Exploring instances of magical creatures suffering from their label as a ‘dark’ or ‘dangerous’ magical creature  A thrilling tangent about Dementors being non-beings and how to empathize with Boggarts  How can we protect ‘dark’ creatures? What’s the best way to learn how to cohabitate with animals considered ‘dangerous’ in the muggle world?


Can you think of other dark magical creatures in the Harry Potter series? How do you think we can better encourage the protection and care of creatures in the muggle world many would consider dangerous and fearsome? 


We’ll return soon for another episode exploring animal rights in the Wizarding World, but in the meantime, be sure to send us your thoughts via email, leave a review, join our Patreon, and - on behalf of all magical creatures - Protego Maxima!


Visit our ProtegoCast website and subscribe to the ProtegoCast Patreon over at Patreon.com/protegocast.

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Twitter: @ProtegoFDN Instagram: @protegofoundation Facebook: @TheProtegoFoundation

Tylor Starr: 

Twitter: @tylorstarr Instagram: @tylorstarr The Chickpeeps

Jordan Page: 

Facebook: @PagingAdventure  Instagram: @JordanSheaPage

Emma Pocock:

Twitter: @emmapocock96 Instagram: @emma.pocock  Web: The Leaky Cauldron / Forbes











J.K. Rowling in 2000: 


"I was just so pleased that he thought about it and pleased that I had the answer," Rowling told The Canadian Press.

These evil creatures don't, by the way, breed but grow like a fungus where there is decay.



Cornelius Fudge in Half Blood Prince: 


[Here Fudge claims Dementors do breed, implying they’re not simply ‘non-beings’, but Fudge could well be wrong - he’s not the most reliable of characters!]


 "I thought dementors guard the prisoners in Azkaban," he said cautiously.

"They did," said Fudge wearily. "But not anymore. They've deserted the prison and joined He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I won't pretend that wasn't a blow."

"But," said the Prime Minister, with a sense of dawning horror, "didn't you tell me they're the creatures that drain hope and happiness out of people?"

"That's right. And they're breeding. That's what's causing all this mist."

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