Our planet ascended to 5D consciousness and now we humans have to catch up to it to match the new frequencies. The old ways of thinking and doing things will go against the new vibrations, which will give us physical and emotional pain.

If you currently experience physical symptoms such as aches and pains, headaches, throat, sinus, lung pains – emotional symptoms like sadness, angst, worry, confusion, anger – these are all indications that you are asked to upgrade yourself to these new frequencies.

This is not easy, because we have to do the upgrades on the physical, mental and the spiritual level.

I wrote this book to help you go through these transitional and turbulent times more easily. I will share many ideas that will give you clarity about what to do, and assist you in moving up in vibrations and be part of this new ascended world.

I will address the physical, the mental and the spiritual aspects of the transformation and describe a holistic approach to get the healing, the peace and the prosperity you want!

With over 12 years of leading-edge coaching, I can tell you that this knowledge is definitely missing from our library and it should be added.

Rise up and show the world the great person you are in your core, and what you came here to do!


- Robert Szentes 

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