Hi. My name is Karen Farbridge and I am host of Promethea Rising, a podcast dedicated to promoting energy conscious communities. Join me as I talk to good people working to solve a wicked global problem.

Prometheus was a cultural hero in Greek mythology. He got into trouble when he defied the gods by stealing fire from them for humanity. Our modern use of energy also has unintended consequences of Promethean proportions. And like Prometheus, it is getting us into trouble.

Prometheus was chained to a rock for angering the gods. An eagle was sent every day to eat his liver which grew back overnight. That might not be our punishment, but the whole planet is suffering from our use of energy.  

We are surrounded by energy. The sun alone provides our planet enough solar energy in 90 minutes to power all human needs for a year. Our Promethean challenge has always been how do we harness the abundance of energy around us without unintended consequences - like climate change. 

My guests are tackling this challenge and generously offer their experience working with communities on transforming our energy system.

I think that there is a deep need to maintain focus on people throughout this transition and not to get too hung up on all the technologies but to think about people. I think if we start there, we have something to work with, but there is no question that we need this transition to happen. We just need to make this transition brings people along with it.

Dr Kirby Calvert, University of Guelph

To be conscious is to be aware of your surroundings. To be energy conscious means to be aware of how we get, distribute, and use energy in our communities.

New energy technologies are also going local – so there is no better time than now for communities to become more energy conscious. 

The good news is communities are mobilizing around the world to help shape a low carbon and resilient energy future. Join me in the conversation.

The more and more I do this work, the effort to try and continue to focus a conversation is really where the work is. It is not some analytical proof that this is important. It is really about communication and these are the vehicles that actually inspire that, so I thank you for inviting me to be part of it.

Rob Kerr, Robert J Kerr and Associates 

Music Credit: Andrew McPherson, Forest for the Trees