Next Episode: Promethea Rising Trailer

Rob Kerr has dedicated his career to promoting energy conscious communities, globally and locally. In our conversation, we explore the growth of energy conscious communities and how the economy is an essential part of the conversation.

“Talking about climate change and energy efficiency is often, even to this day, seen as a special interest issue and that there’s only certain people that worry about that and some people don’t. And there is a lot of division around it – especially in climate, more so than energy. And I despair at that and why that happens. I think the missing ingredient has been talking about the economy.”

"The more and more I do this work, the effort to try and continue to focus a conversation is really where the work is. It is not some analytical proof that this is important. It is really about communication and these are the vehicles that actually inspire that, so I thank you for inviting me to be part of it."

More about Rob - Rob Kerr, President, Robert J. Kerr & Associates

Music Credit: Andrew McPherson, Forest for the Trees