Tonja Leach is the Executive Director of QUEST and a leading voice in Canada on Smart Energy Communities.  She talks about her work with QUEST to bring people together to build a sustainable energy future for Canadian communities.

"We have done the finger pointing, whether you are an environmentalist or coming at it from an economic perspective. It is time that we empower everybody to bring their own unique solutions to the table"

In talking about why QUEST was established: “A number of organizations…were generally frustrated that the energy conversation in Canada was solely about supply – where were we going to get the next electron or Gigajoule from. Nobody was really talking about the opportunity that was being missed at the local level - the opportunity for the integration of energy services at the local level.”

More about Tonja Leach

More about QUEST - The voice of the Smart Energy Communities marketplace in Canada.

More about the Smart Energy Community Benchmark -  The Smart Energy Communities Benchmark (formerly Scorecard) is the first tool of its kind to help local governments and utilities understand where their community stands relative to its peers on a range of 10 critical community energy indicators. By driving action in each of the 10 areas, a community can capture the benefits of what we call a Smart Energy Community. Such a community benefits from new opportunities for local economic development, lower energy costs, a cleaner environment, and improved community resilience.

Music Credit: Andrew McPherson, Forest for the Trees