We have a fresh new ‘Get Ready for Love’ episode over on the Project Love podcast and we can’t wait for you to listen to it. In this week’s episode, we talk about breadcrumbing - what it is and what to do if it happens to you.

And juuuust in case you missed it, these episodes form part of our new Get Ready for Love series where we bring you bitesize episodes each week to help you to navigate the world of modern dating and find the right partner for you. In these episodes, we answer your burning questions on all things dating and we bring you practical guidance and ‘how to’s in less than 15 minutes (perfect for listening during the daily commute or en route to a date!). 

Listen to the first two episodes below if you missed them:

Episode 1 | How can I relax and be myself on a first date?

Episode 2 | What can I do if I hate online dating?

And if you are needing some help and support on your dating journey then check out our coaching programme ‘Wing Woman’ where you will have Vicki as your personal love coach and wing woman to hold your hand and guide you through it! 

'Wing Woman' is a 2 month coaching programme designed to transform your whole experience of dating. From getting in the right headspace for dating to creating a profile that will attract the kind of person you want to meet, to dealing with dating nerves and fears and everything in between, Vicki will be your wing woman, lovingly guiding you through the dating journey, helping you to approach it from a place of love (and to have some fun with it!). Apply to join the programme over here and book in your discovery call with Vicki.

With love,

X Vicki and Selina