This week on the podcast Selina had the most gorgeous and deep diving conversation with the wonderful Nicola Rae Wickham - the creative mentor, podcaster and founder of A Life More Inspiredwho helps women bring their dreams to life. If you aren’t yet following Nicola on Instagram, DO, she’ll bring so much joy and wisdom to your feed! 

And this episode will truly bring a smile to your face. Nicola is just so full of love and laughter and brings a wonderful lightness to deeeeeep conversations and this episode is no exception.

Together Selina and Nicola talked about…

How Nicola got into the work she does today (because how DO you become a creative mentor that brings people’s dreams and creative businesses to life?!)
Nicola’s own personal challenge of knowing how to ‘just be herself’ and what it was like 20 years ago in the workplace as a black woman feeling that she wasn’t allowed to be fully herself.
How owning the parts of you that you feel shame around, helps you to own yourself fully and unlock parts of you that you couldn’t access before, like inner peace and joy. 
The brilliant event on ‘Wellness and Wealth’ that she put on recently at Reuters with the wonderful Tamu from Live Three Sixty 
And why we really do all need to start looking at wealth as a part of our overall wellness 

Juicy juicy juicy!

Oh and this episode was recorded literally days before Nicola gave birth (so it was done via Skype, rather than the studio). 

Congratulations to you Nicola on your beautiful baby girl! 

For more of Nicola’s love and wisdom head to her website and Instagram.

x Vicki and Selina