We feel like a broken record saying this every year, but…how is it almost April already!?

Are you feeling that too?

It can be so easy for time to fly by and to get sucked into that never-ending to-do list until, before you know it, another year has passed by and those plans and intentions you made at the start of the year have all but been forgotten. 


We have made a commitment to organise a collective ‘HIT PAUSE’ every quarter, so we can each check-in with ourselves, review how the last 3 months have gone, how our commitments have come along and create fresh new commitments for the next three months that will help us each keep creating lives and relationships that we love, that make us feel good and make us proud. 

And so on today’s Project Love podcast we are inviting you to join us for the first quarterly check-in of 2019!

Grab your Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019 journal, if you have one (you can still get your own copy over at thegoodbyehellojournal.com - while stocks last!) and join us as we reflect on the past 3 months, share the lessons that we’ve learnt in that time and create fresh new commitments for the next 3 months that help us realign ourselves with our intentions for the year and the life we dream of living. 

And if you made commitments at the start of the year that you haven’t stuck to, then YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There are always lessons to be found in the commitments that actually dropped off the list (which we talk all about in the podcast!)

And then join us over on Instagram to let us know what was the biggest lesson you learned from doing your own quarterly review!

X Selina & Vicki