If you haven’t come across Kate Taylor before then you are in for a real treat. She is creator of the Practical Magic Activation Deck and the Practical Magic prints, she’s a powerful creativity and empowerment coach and NLP practitioner, host of the Practical Magic podcast and has co-run THE most beautiful and powerful one-day retreat we have ever been to.

So we got her into the podcast studio to talk about:

How she created the Practical Magic Activation Deck (it truly is magic) and what she’s seen it do for people

The practical things we can do to tune into our intuition more (the place where we get the answers we need)

How to get in touch with that deeper self, love and wisdom through the body Aaaaaand…how powerful it will be to do Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019 WITH the Practical Magic Activation Deck (and cake)

We enjoyed this conversation SO much and hope you will too.

And because we really do think the journal and the deck are a genius combo, we are offering a special ‘Practical Magic x Goodbye Hello’ Xmas bundle - buy the two together over on lifeandme.com and save over £6! 

Or order your journal over at thegoodbyehellojournal.com

And let the magic unfold...!