We cannot wait for you to listen to this week’s episode because we got to interview Marianne Power as she talked to us about her brilliant new book ‘Help Me! One woman’s quest to find out if self-help really can change her life”. A book which saw her road test one self-help book a month for a year!

The quest for happiness is something a lot of us can relate to and Marianne describes this with such refreshing honesty and intimacy. As she says in the podcast ‘“Being a human is a really up and down road” and maybe realising that we do not need to be fixed (because we are not broken) and that we are already good enough as we are, is the most liberating discovery we could ever have in life.

We came away from this interview feeling so full of love and compassion. There is such a beautiful vulnerability in the way that Marianne shares her story in the book, it is so deeply personal and moving whilst also being wonderfully funny. It feels like 'Help me' could be the next Bridget Jones for our generation

Listen to the podcast now over on loveprojectlove.com, Apple Podcast (iTunes) or Spotify!

‘Help Me!’ is out on 6th September and available for pre-order now over here.

Let us know what you think of the podcast and the book!

x Vicki and Selina