Hello lovely!

If you’ve been following us for a while then you’ll know that we like to challenge the modern day narrative that love is something that comes from that one special romantic partner in life. This is one of the reasons why we like to hijack Valentine’s Day and use it to celebrate love in all its forms. And this year is no exception! 

On Sunday we kicked off the start of our self-love challenge, 28 Days of Love and if you’re not already taking part, we’d love to invite you. This is our sixth year running it and it is always such a gorgeous four week journey, but this year, it feels like we all need it more than any other (right?!).

If you’re worn out from global pandemics, lockdown, homeschooling, working from home, not going on holiday for over a year...then self-love is the balm that will help you recover, reclaim your energy and navigate the Coronacoaster. 

If you’d like to join us then head over here for all of the details (it’s totally free!)

And to get you in the mood we have pulled out one of our favourite podcast episodes from the archives: LOVE: it’s not just for Valentine’s, recorded two years ago at Liberty London. It is one of our favourite podcast episodes and so this week we are bringing it back from the archives!

In this episode we talk about: 

Why we are so passionate about busting the modern day myth that love is something that comes from that one special romantic partner in life
The impact that belief has had on so many of our lives and our relationships. 
How learning to love yourself is a skill that we can all get good at (and how it helps us to flourish as individuals and in our relationships)

The different ways you can weave self-love into your day to day life
Why so many of us resist self-love (and what to do about that)
And how, when you start to tune into that inner loving voice your life will start to transform from the inside out

We are sending you the biggest cuddle and we hope to see you over on Instagram for 28 days of love. 

We hope you enjoy the episode 💕

Love, Vicki and Selina xxx