Hello lovely, 

Well here we are, at the end of another quarter of 2020 and what a quarter it has been!

In this week’s episode, we talk about how the last 3 months have been for us, our happiest moments, our most challenging moments and how we are navigating what is known as the ‘messy middle’ point of the pandemic.

We’d love you to join us for this quarterly check-in, grab your Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 journal if you have one or simply answer the questions as we go through them. As always, we find these quarterly reflections to be so nourishing and we hope you do too 😍

Join us live!
We also invite you to join us live on Thursday 8th October at 7pm (BST) on Zoom for our quarterly Project Love love-in. They are gorgeous - a chance for us all to pause and reflect on these past 3 months and to set our intentions and commitments for the following quarter. Sign up here to join us!

We really hope you enjoy this episode. It’s the last in the season as we take our scheduled podcast break in October. We’ll be back for a new podcast season in November!

Much love,

X Selina & Vicki

PS the new Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021 journal is out now! Head over here to grab a copy for you and your loved ones

PPS this is the Brené Brown podcast episode we mentioned